Windows 7 BSOD
Sorry for my bad english
My PC has BSOD since yesterday. I was reading news on FF as usual and suddenly my PC restart. Then i log in win7 again, after about 30s, it restart again with BSOD the first time.
So i used safe mode and check hardware status. Everythings seem normal. So i tried to uninstall some latest software/games and scanned for virus. It was a long night.
When the virus scan done, I shutdown my PC and hope that he is ok now. But when i log in win7, about 30s and BSOD again
Win 7 BSOD everytime it start, and now BSOD sometimes in safemode too.
I'm using my oldversion win xp on another partition of my HDD now. It's seem ok for the time. But idk what will happen.
And i attached my dmp files here. Hope that u can help. Thanks so much