BSOD Problem

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Professional 64bit

    BSOD Problem

    I have an ASUS Notebook N61Jv series.
    It came pre-installed with Windows 7 Professional 64bit.
    Intel core i5 CPU, 4GB memory.

    Attached are dumps from recent (Jan 4th, 2011) BSOD experience.

    Not sure if it's related, but prior to this I've been having regular problems with Windows 7 64bit freezing/hung, mainly with web browser - thus requiring frequent manual shutdown with power button.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance that may come my way

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 13,354
    Windows 7 Professional x64


    It appears that PC Tools is causing this problem. Please uninstall PC Tools, including Threatfire, and install Microsoft Security Essentials instead.


    Built by: 7600.16617.amd64fre.win7_gdr.100618-1621
    Debug session time: Tue Jan  4 14:14:24.621 2011 (UTC - 5:00)
    System Uptime: 0 days 0:01:50.120
    *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for PCTCore64.sys
    *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for PCTCore64.sys
    Probably caused by : PCTCore64.sys ( PCTCore64+272ea )
    BUGCHECK_STR:  0xc2_7_PCTC
    PROCESS_NAME:  pctsSvc.exe
    FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  X64_0xc2_7_PCTC_PCTCore64+272ea
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Professional 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Hi JK,

    Thanks a heap for your help!

    Everything now works great after removing PC Tools and installing MSE. Went from frozen/hung system requiring forced shut-down, also slow response with volume controls, USB connections, more than 50% of the time to no problems at all over the past week. WIndows 7 is a great OS, shame software such as PC Tools (which I paid for) that is touted as Windows 7 compatible causes such major problems.

    Thanks again,
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 13,354
    Windows 7 Professional x64

    Glad to hear it's all working great now, Robo. Let us know if you need anything else!
      My Computer


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