Startup Repair... With Disk - Questions/Concerns
I was given a 64 bit Windows 7 desktop from someone who said if I didn't take it, they were going to toss it off the balcony. I took it.
After playing around with Malwarebytes, and chkdsk /r, the sytem seemed stable - it booted quickly - shut down quickly, & brought up webpages much faster than my wife's XP PC....
But then I noticed that occassionally it would seem to hang up for no apparent reason. Just sit there with that little blue circle. Eventually it would move, and bring up the task manager I'd so desperately called for. After it had moved, there was no evidence of any problem - nothing of any significance in Event viewer, no strange tasks. But I wanted it to be perfect.
So I decided to run a Full scan with MS security essentials.
About 25 minutes into it I got a Blue Screen of Death. I didn't write down the particulars. I just shut it off and restarted. No good. It gets to the Starting Windows screen and just stays there. I put in the installation disk, booted from it, and went to Startup Repair. I was informed that 'No changes will be made to your personal files or information.' Also, that 'This might take several minutes'.
The blue slider has been going now for at least 2 hours while it says 'Attempting repairs...' I can't cancel - it says 'The current repair operation cannot be cancelled'.
What do I do now? Pull the plug? I'd set a restore point just an hour or so before I started the MSE scan, but I don't know if shutting down the PC while it's still trying to 'repair' itself is a mistake.