hope i got it right this time
BSOD caused by defective hardware, RMA the laptop and get a new one
Stop 0x124 - what it means and what to try
Code:BugCheck 124, {0, fffffa8004db9038, 0, 0} Probably caused by : hardware
Yeah, i would most definitely return it and get a replacement it being a laptop is alot different then it being a desktop tower that you could trouble shoot. Its under warranty get it fixed or get a new one :)
Thanks alot guys, i'll return it first thing tomorrow . sux big time (((
Least this happened while it was under warranty, This kind of thing happens nothing you did wrong, just defective.
Let us know if you have any other troubles :)
- Tony
Hello and sorry for refreshing this old thread but i have exactly the same problem with my HP Pavillion dv6 - Windows 7 64bit.
I am attaching also the dump files to check somebody and tell me what to do.
Thanks in advance.