BSOD problems

  1. Posts : 2
    windows 7 premium 64 bit

    BSOD problems

    hello i can't figure out what wrong with this thing, but it started about a week ago, and i finally just reinstalled windows, and it has crashed once since the reinstall, thank you for any help

    windows 7 premium 64 bit, oem, and everything is less than 6 months old and i'm attaching my info

    thank you
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,528
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    The dump from 1/6 indicates a problem with the nvidia video driver, and the one from 1/4 indicates a hardware problem:
    Section 2     : x86/x64 MCA
    Descriptor    @ fffffa8005b60138
    Section       @ fffffa8005b60280
    Offset        : 600
    Length        : 264
    Flags         : 0x00000000
    Severity      : Fatal
    Error         : Unknown (Proc 0 Bank 2)
      Status      : 0xb200000000010005
    Given the WHEA error was "unknown" (that is *really* rare), that makes this a bit of a trial-and-error situation. I'd start with completely uninstalling the nvidia video driver, rebooting, and reinstalling, and if that doesn't help you'd want to swap out the video card with a known-good one as a test, and/or testing RAM to make sure it passes without errors (and probably in that order).
      My Computer


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