Constant BSODs

  1. Posts : 44
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit

    Constant BSODs

    Hello to all members.
    I am experiencing constant BSODs since past few months, I tried to locate all minidump files but unfortunately there were only four of them. What I figured out is it happens during I play some video or music (mostly). I already uninstalled my avast Internet security 5. Please help me
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 44
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit
    Thread Starter

    Also wanted to tell that Windows is unable to boot after at least 6-7 bsods, it stucks and in the boot selection I have to select "Launch Repair", which further opens something like Problem Search and asks me to restore the system to a state where it was working properly. This has happened more than 5 times. Also safe mode is not working properly. It stucks on one driver load which is related to something "CLASS.sys" (i am not sure of this one).

    Hope these information will help to solve the problem.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 927
    windows 7 ultimate

    Well, I'll start the ball rolling!!

    Old drivers can and do cause BSODs. These are the drivers I can easily spot.

    Very old driver related to, I think, Virtual Floppy Drive

    vfd.sys Mon Apr 04 03:36:51 2005

    If you can't update then remove.

    Rt86win7.sys Thu Feb 26 09:04:22 2009 Realtek

    RTKVHDA.sys Tue Oct 05 10:28:18 2010 Realtek

    Maybe someone else with more knowledge and go through your files with a fine tooth comb now!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 11,990
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit

    Fimble has got you off to a good start. Please read this thread, follow the instructions and post back. We will be glad to help you.

    These are the out of date drivers I see loaded on your system. Update these drivers through the links provided.
    igdkmd32.sys Wed May 06 14:13:40 2009 - Intel Graphics driver.

    Rt86win7.sys Thu Feb 26 04:04:22 2009 - Realtek NIC. Realtek.

    vfd.sys Sun Apr 03 22:36:51 2005 - Virtual Floppy Drive for Windows - Ken Kato. I can find no update for this driver. Rename it. See note below.
    Renaming drivers: create a restore point, using Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers, locate the driver files, and rename them from .sys to .old. Reboot and the drivers will not load. This will break whatever software or hardware these drivers are associated with.

    Please read the tutorial above, run the tool, and upload the files.

      My Computer


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