Some fixes for BSOD.

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Ultimate ( 64 Bit )

    Some fixes for BSOD.

    Hi there,
    I have recently got 3-5 different types of BSOD.
    Here are some of the things that may help / fix your machine.

    1) New network card adapter drivers : Some network adapters don't
    work in general with 64 bit windows and/or windows 7.
    Try installing new drivers for your device, if you have installed new
    drivers then that might be the problem.

    2 ) Rtl_not_less_or_equal : This is a most likely a problem with either your realtech Audio drivers or Network card Drivers. The best way to fix this is re-install the drivers or get new ones. Then Download a Program called CCcleaner, it's free and very easy to use. When CcCleaner is open click Cleaner and then Run Cleaner.
    Then press Registry > Scan for Issues then when it found the errors click selected Issues Click no for the following Question and then Fix all Selected Issues ( You may want to do this 2-4 times the first time you do it )

    3 )Bad pool pointer / Special pool Detected Memory Corruption / Memory corruption:
    There is two solutions to this problem ( Which I Have Found Myself ) Your ram sticks are in the wrong slots may be as simple as changing them around.
    Another Cause is Windows updates, You have probably recently updated your computer which has caused the error, to remove the updates go to the start menu and type " System Restore " ( This will bring your computer back to a certain date you want ) Click Choose a restore date, Then select a date where before the updates were installed , This might take a while and a start up repair may be needed afterward.

    In my case all of these problems Were on my machine at the one time, All of the above were by me and the help of a family member. My computer has been running 12 hours straight and there are no Bsod Errors or any Crashes to report.
    I hope that the above can help and fix your Problem. Feel free to comment or add to this post.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 13,354
    Windows 7 Professional x64

    Hello, and welcome to SF!

    Thanks for sharing your fixes.

    We don't recommend the use of registry cleaners here, especially in the Crashes section. Registry cleaners are known to do more harm than good, and registry errors typically don't cause BSODs anyway. The usual causes are incompatible/buggy drivers, and hardware.

    If anyone has BSODs, please see:

    As each BSOD is a little bit different, it's helpful to have a new report for each BSOD case.
      My Computer


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