Win7Ultimate - XPS 1645 random sudden BSOD
I have been after this problem for about 2 months.
Changing everything from USB vs. BT keyboard to hibernate vs. shutdown.
The problem seems from USB driver and two system components left "disabled" per dell suggestion since it complains with a yellow exclam point when activated.
Any help would be appreciated, as dell is taking the shotgun approach of reformatting (for the 3rd time!) and throwing random pseudo solutions at the problems is not intelligent problem tracking!
System Windows 7 Ultimate N = (Non-OEM)
Dell Studio XPS 1645, i7, 8GB, 750GB.
Any pointers or general direction woudl be dilligently pursued,
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by Mikensite; 06 May 2011 at 12:36. Reason: Added file