Black screen + cursor instead of login screen

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  1. Posts : 8
    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    ####, new drivers didn't work...

    Edit: Isn't there an install option that lets you re-install windows while keeping your currently installed programs/etc?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 927
    windows 7 ultimate

    Yes. It's the repair install option. You do it from inside your open Windows 7 system. Then insert disc etc. etc. This explains it better than I, plus less typing!!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 8
    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Is there any way to make the Win7 folder smaller (after install), as I've only got ~19.4 GB space on my C: drive (which is old & small), of the ~18 GB I've got on that drive ~15 GB is Win7, the rest is mostly in the MSOCache folder (~0.5 GB).
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 927
    windows 7 ultimate

    Personally I wouldn't slim Win 7 down, although it can be done with a 3rd party app. (RT7 Lite) that you use to make a lightweight installation ISO file that you then burn to DVD.

    In your situation I would be tempted to:
    a) Make at least a 50gb partition, preferably closer to 100gb, on your Maxtor HDD for your "C:" drive. (40gb recommended minimum disc size for 7) and use your PATA drive for "Your Documents". That is if your Maxtor isn't full!
    b) Replace/add a new larger drive for your C: partition.

    Things you can also do is to remove all the foreign language folders that are not relevant to you and remove the non-Latin fonts if you don't use them for a start. That's not really going to give you much space back though, maybe ˝gb.
      My Computer

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