Event ID 6008 Help.
About a month ago I built a new pc. Everything was running at great temps(no overclock). I use HW Monitor to look at the temps. I ran Memtest86 for about 3-4hrs with no errors and ran Prime95 for about 6-7hrs and never went above 55C on stock cooling(no failures). In the span of two weeks, I have had three BSODs. All were regarding a file for my video card (atikmpag.sys). I ran driver sweep in safe mode and reinstalled the latest drivers for my card. I checked the reliability report and it keeps giving me errors regarding unexpected shutdown - Event ID 6008. I have no idea what is causing this. I click on the details in event log and there are none. I did a reinstall of windows and it keeps happening. The 6008 events did start occurring BEFORE the BSOD's if that helps. After i reformatted with windows, I have had no more BSOD's so far, but 6008 is still happening almost every time I shutdown. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!