New System Windows7 old HD with XP

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit, XP home 32 Bit

    New System Windows7 old HD with XP

    I have just built a new system and installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
    I then installed the Hard Drives out of my old system and tried to boot to the old XP OS and got a BSOD.
    I have read of SATA driver problems in this forum but they all seem to apply to reinstallation of the operating system and slipstreaming on to the new installation.
    Can I do anything to modify the existing XP install without reinstalling or is this impossible after installing the HD onto a new system? Would a system repair work and if so will this have to be done through CMD prompt or is there a way to get around it with 3rd party software accessing XP via Windows 7 to get the dual boot to work for me?


      My Computer

  2. Posts : 11,408

    You will need to Repair Win XP.

    First check for all the Win XP drivers for your hardware on the manufacturer's web site.
    If your Win XP CD, does not support your Sata Controller, you will need to load drivers to uses at F6.
    Load Sata Controller drivers with a floppy disk is the best way.
    SATA Drivers - Load in Windows XP Setup on Dual Boot
    SATA Drivers - Slipstream into Windows XP CD

    How to Repair Win XP:
    XP Repair Install

    Do the repair with the Windows 7 HD unpluged.
      My Computer


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