BSOD Crash, Need Help Identifying!
Hey, i just bought my computer and it is currently 3 days old. The 2nd day of use i have had 2 crashes so far. One when i was doing a backup, the other when i was gaming, so i cant see the link there.
Here are my computers specs.
i7 2600 Processor
ECS - P67H2-A3 Motherboard
DDR3 8gig G.Skills Ripjaw Ram 1600Mhz 2x4 gig / 800mhz
GTX550 Graphics card
Running Windows Ultimate 64bit.
I upgraded the computer from Windows 7 HP 64bit to Windows Ultimate as soon as i got it.
Attached is the information you guys asked for, i hope to hear from use soon.
Kind Regards, Nathan