Windows 7 no longer starts after forced shutdown.
Hello everyone,
Today my mediaplayer stopped working, and I decided to restart to see if that would fix the problem. When I shut down my PC it just kept hanging on "Shutting down" for 10 minutes so I forced a shutdown by holding the power button.
After booting up again however Windows 7 doesn't boot beyond the animated windows logo.
I've tried rebooting with the repair install option but it just hangs on a progress bar then.
I've also tried to reboot using my installation DVD, however after that goes through a couple of "Windows is loading files" progress bars it goes right back to the animated windows logo as if it didn't start from the DVD at all. (I'm sure it should have, I booted from DVD and pressed a key when it asked me to)
What should I do now? I can't even reformat if the PC doesn't load the installation disc.