Right click causes explorer crash fix

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  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate

    oops.. m back.. i found the solution..

    there's a freeware available called shellexview ... its some 200kb program i guess.. just download and run..!
    it'll show you all the shellex files..

    you dont have to delete the entry..

    just disable all the context menu type.. or if you want it.. you can disable one by one... but do not disable any that helps the windows to run..! it will give a warning ...

    It worked for me..
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    This was plaguing me as well, both with Files AND Folders! Just randomly at first, and then everything I right-clicked until I was forced to deal with it. I followed the guide here: Right-click is slow or weird behavior caused by context menu handlers

    In my case, I had to delete the following entries. Note they are the same, just in two different places in the registry...the first being a context handler area for files, the second for folders as depicted in the chart found at the above link:
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    It should also be noted that if you use Shellexview, you have to reboot to apply the changes, and also to reverse them. This can be quite laborious. Backing up and then deleting registry keys produces instantly perceivable results.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    There's actually a solution for this from MS now...

    I had this problem for months and whatever I would disable it would come back after running a few days. I also had problems with the desktop not refreshing when renaming or deleting files. Nothing worked, so I eventually turned all the shell extensions back on.

    One day, lo and behold, the Action Center told me there was a beta fix for it. No idea what I had to do to get it, I guess restart explorer 1000 times was the easter egg...

    Anyway, the page for the fix is here, and it solved both issues for me:

    FIX: The Explorer.exe process stops responding (hangs) when you use Windows Explorer that hosts a shell extension that was created by using MFC
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2

    Partial Solution - A Suggestion - Help?

    Thanks for the guidance. In my case it did not totally solve my problem (more on this in a moment) but to save time looking for a Context Menu handler problem child I recommend that you:

    (1) backup (Export) the complete Context Menu Handlers entry,
    (2) Delete all of the Context Menu Handlers entries that you can (some are protected)
    3) Test to see if the problem is solved.
    4) Restore (Import) the Context Menu Handlers entry,
    (5) and then, if the total deletion solved the problem .... go through the one-by-one delete process as described to find the miscreant

    There were two registry entries that I could not delete:
    a. Symantec.Norton.Antivirus.IEContextMenu
    b. BUContextMenu

    As for my problem, removing my 'Power Desk' Context Menu entry allows me to right-click on files it is only when I right-click on directories that the Win-Explorer continues to crash. I have done a complete Win-7 reinstall (accepting only required updates {security}) without any remedy. It is possible that one of the two entries I could not delete is causing the remaining problem but I am not sure how to test this - any ideas out there?

    Kudos & and many thanks for the partial solution.

    Thanks - Gerry
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2

    Update from GerryW

    Using the application "Autoruns" as suggested above is by far the best solution in investigating (and in my case) working around the problem. Autoruns for Windows.

    By removing my W-Explorer shell's ContextMenu entry Win-7 Explorer now functions properly. I have sent in a trouble note to Avanquest (PowerDesk) PowerDesk Pro 8 | File Management Software to see if they have a fix. PowerDesk is my Must-Have shell.

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    this fix worked for me

    I turned everything off and still had the problem, until I found the fix I posted above (and copied below). That worked for me, and now I have all extensions on and no problems. Did you try this?

    tsymyn said:
    I had this problem for months and whatever I would disable it would come back after running a few days. I also had problems with the desktop not refreshing when renaming or deleting files. Nothing worked, so I eventually turned all the shell extensions back on.

    One day, lo and behold, the Action Center told me there was a beta fix for it. No idea what I had to do to get it, I guess restart explorer 1000 times was the easter egg...

    Anyway, the page for the fix is here, and it solved both issues for me:

    FIX: The Explorer.exe process stops responding (hangs) when you use Windows Explorer that hosts a shell extension that was created by using MFC
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1
    windows 7



      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1
    windows 7

    Do people still have this problem

    If anyone still has this problem, which has been bugging me for the last 9 months or so, try this >
    In windows explorer go to .
    Tools >
    Folder Options >
    View >
    Scroll down to "Launch Folder Windows in a Seperate Process" and put a tick in the box.
    This is the only thing that has stopped windows explorer crashing (for me)
    Tried all the ContextMenuHandlers & shellex viewer etc and none of it worked.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 3
    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1


    Two years have passed since the original complaint and this same problem is still happening. Luckily, the same fix still does the trick - many thanks for the tip about Autoruns!

    For me the conflict was Memopal, my online backup software.

    I have Windows 7 on two computers and they've both had major problems. I was so frustrated that I actually figured out how to use Linux and installed it on one computer. Microsoft, please get your act together!
    Last edited by ChochoYubi; 25 Jun 2011 at 08:50. Reason: Discovered that the original post contained inaccurate info.
      My Computer

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