windows7 wont boot past windows splash screen - will boot to safe mod

  1. Posts : 1
    windows 7 home premium

    windows7 wont boot past windows splash screen - will boot to safe mod

    WIndows 7 premium home version on a lenovo laptop freezing at splash screen. I can boot into safe mode just fine. Whereby I have to run a system restore back to an older date but the issue still comes back up and this seems to be especially true when trying to wake it from sleep mode. beyond the appcrash is there something else i should upload to help diagnose issue?

      My Computer

  2. JMH
    Posts : 7,952
    Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit. SP1.

    A hasty fly by...
    See if the link is of help.

    Windows 7 won't boot after welcome screen. - Microsoft Answers
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 284
    Windows 7 Professional 64bit

    Boot into safe mode and then run msconfig. Under the startup tab uncheck everything and reboot normally.

    If you are able to la=oad into Windows you'll know that one of your startup programs was causing the problem. Add them one by one until you find the culprit.

    A bad driver might be causing the problem as well.
      My Computer


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