BSOD mostly MEMORY_MANAGEMENT also sometimes IRQL & bad pool header

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    BSOD mostly MEMORY_MANAGEMENT also sometimes IRQL & bad pool header

    So ive been getting BSOD once or twice a day with almost always the message: MEMORY_MANAGEMENT I did windows memory diagnostic tests a few times, it said i have hardware problems,Im asuming its bad memory or RAM.

    I thought my graphics card i installed is causing the problems,but i took it out and I still get Memory Management blue screens.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,398
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64/Windows 8 Consumer Preview x64/Ubuntu 11.04

    You don't have any dumps. Have a look at the following tutorial and make sure you have Windows set up to create dump files.
    Dump Files - Configure Windows to Create on BSOD
      My Computer


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