BSOD watching YouTube video
Today I got a BSOD randomly (as far as I could tell). I've had my comp for almost exactly a year, and this is the first I've gotten. Part of why I'm concerned is because the warranty is about to expire. Below is the window that popped up after restart, and attached is of course the file resulting from the SevenForums diagnostic as per the BSOD Posting Instructions.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: d1
BCP1: 0000000000000FF8
BCP2: 0000000000000007
BCP3: 0000000000000000
BCP4: FFFFF88004B17E08
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1
Files that help describe the problem: