BSOD frequent- Error codes x3B,7E,1E,0a,24 changing alternately
I have Windows 7 Compaq with AMD II, Recently interchanged Zotac Video card(ZT-20303) working well from other computer and also loaded ADOBE Photo shop(2 weeks back).
Notron security system installed since 1 year
BSOD started 2 days after video card installation
= to solve BSOD- action taken so far
- Updated NVidia drivers to latest
- Removed printer driver as reported by Norton tools(problem reported)
- Ran Compaq PC doctor- no issues on any counts
- Ran Notron tools- no issues
- stays on for 12 hours without issues, but then stops with BSOD and reboots
- Previously same PC used to be on for weeks/months without any issue
- I have also checked that Full Scan (Norton) running in background, but never gets completed and may be the reason