Blue Screen issue, System crashes randomly and automatically rebooting

  1. Posts : 1
    windows 7 Professional 32bit

    Blue Screen issue, System crashes randomly and automatically rebooting

    Blue Screen problem, Windows Explorer crashes randomly and system keeps on rebooting so often. Following is error message popped up. Attached is minidump file, bu I couldn't read this file, please advice me if anyone can read the file, and help me to figure out what went wrong. Thank you

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
    OS Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 1033

    Additional information about the problem:
    BCCode: a
    BCP1: FFFFFA8018C5B010
    BCP2: 0000000000000002
    BCP3: 0000000000000001
    BCP4: FFFFF80002D47366
    OS Version: 6_1_7601
    Service Pack: 1_0
    Product: 256_1

    Files that help describe the problem:
    C:\Users\MFP User\AppData\Local\Temp\WER-36310652-0.sysdata.xml
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,393
    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate: x64 (SP1)

    Hello Uuganbat and welcome to Sevenforums.

    .exeplorer troubleshooting
    • Having crashes upon the .explorer usually reveals problems in the Windows Context Menu. I'd suggest you to download a software called ShellExView. The idea of ShellExView is to figure out, what shell extension is causing your explorer to crash.
      • Use the software with this procedure- Disable one extension that doesn't belong to Microsoft. In many cases there are running 3rd party shell extension along Windows, and may cause the crash. If the crash persist, undo the selection, and proceed to the next non-Microsoft extension. Keep doing so, until you've found the culprit.

    • Download Malwarebytes. Malwarebytes will investigate malware and worm targets, and try to remove them. It's very handy in that manner.
      • Run a full scan of it twice or more. In many cases it won't detect malware in the first shot.

    • To ensure Windows isn't broken, we'll recommend the sfc /scannow command.
      • Here's how- Press Start | search 'cmd' | Right-click it
        | open as Admin | type SFC /SCANNOW

        SFC /scannow

    • If the steps didn't work, Create a new User Account on your system. The current user account you're using, may be broken and corrupted.

    Best Regards,
      My Computer


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