BSOD 1000007e while playing GW2 and others.
Greetings Fellows.
So today I formatted my computer, and, I think I had this issues some day before the format but I am not sure.
Basically the imagine goes all distorsed for 1second in guild wars 2, then I get a BSOD and a reboot.
Sometimes, the computer just reboots without no error message.
I use windows 7 64 bit, and my ati drivers are 12.6. I know 12.8 are there already there, but I tried both before format and I have the error.
I had a BSOD before format that was bsod machine check exception.
Lately I opened my computer for a cleanup including cleaning my graphics card.
Please guys, I hope you can help me out, I already updated motherbord drivers,
I tried 12.6 and 12.8 (before format) I formatted my pc, etc. I don't know what else to do.
Assinatura do problema:
Nome do Evento de Problema: BlueScreen
Versão do SO: 6.1.7601.
ID de Região: 2070
Informações adicionais sobre o problema:
BCCode: 1000007e
BCP2: FFFFF80002FB9617
BCP3: FFFFF8800210D2B8
BCP4: FFFFF8800210CB10
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 256_1
Ficheiros que ajudam a descrever o problema:
Leia a nossa declaração de privacidade online:
Declaração de Privacidade do Windows 7 - Microsoft Windows
Se a declaração de privacidade online não estiver disponível, leia a declaração de privacidade offline:
I know its in portuguese but please guys, I don't what else to do, I think this might be a hardware issue,I have this computer for 2 and a half years and I didn't change anything in it.
If I can do anything else please tell me.
Edit: I am now installing direct x 9 drivers (94.9MB) cause I did not have any.
I am not sure if that is the issue, but I will update this accordingly if it still happens.
Last edited by cyldman; 27 Aug 2012 at 13:19.