BSOD playing Dark Souls wouldn't boot after that.

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    BSOD playing Dark Souls wouldn't boot after that.

    I was playing Dark Souls with a 360 controller and I BSODed all of a sudden. I didn't think much of it because these things happen but then I couldn't boot to windows anymore. It would get so far as the screen that asks me to start windows normally or start startup repair. It would give me no option for starting windows in safe mode.

    After messing around with the startup repair I eventually reinstalled Windows 7 Home Premium x64. I thought that would be the end of it and began reinstalling everything but I BSODed again and am getting strange errors with windows failing to install updates and not booting once.

    Now I can start it up and login but I'll BSOD randomly and it'll restart the machine.

    SF diagnostic tool winzip file attached.

    Thanks in advance.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,393
    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate: x64 (SP1)

    Hello ChrisP2001 and welcome to Sevenforums.

    • Is your Xbox Controller connected to your PC?
      • In that case, go to BIOS (press rapidly Delete, Tab, F10, F5 or other), and make sure that the boot priority is settled. The disk with Windows on, should be on top.
    • What's your temperatures just before a crash?

    Updating System Specs will give us a better sight of
    how your system is put together. It's simply done.

    § Download Speccy
    § |User CP (top of the page)| |Edit System Spec|
    § COPY & PASTE section to section
    § Include Laptop, Desktop information
    § End with |Save Changes|


    BSOD Analyse

    Combining your crash dumps and the general view of BSODs culprits, I'd suggest you to have a look at your memory, the sticks. Through decades people have been using the bootable tool called Memtest86+ and it's basically very unique in these manners.
    Be sure to check your warranty rules and regulations before opening your case.
    * Memtest86+ is USB-ready, and can be booted directly from it. Download the flashdrive wizard.
    * To ensure that either your sticks OR your motherboard slots are broken, it's necessary to do the below procedure-
    * Pull out all sticks except ONE, scan it.
    * If no errors, pull the scanned stick into another slot.
    * Proceed like this until you've scanned all sticks individually, and all the slots.

    Best Regards,
      My Computer


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