BSOD - Video Scheduler
I do realize that this issue has been posted quite a few times, I have read the threads but am not very knowledgable with regards to computers and had difficulty figuring out what needed to be done.
My issue:
I receive a BSOD in varying circumstances, playing a game, browsing the internet, or shortly after start up when I haven't done anything at all, and at varying times after start up, some right after, some 30 min after, or longer. The BSOD states that the video scheduler has experienced an unexpected fatal error.
I updated my video drivers and downloaded all Windows updates. I have also run both Avast and McAfee scans and both came up clean.
I have attached the file generated by SF Diag Tool
Any guidance would be much appreciated. Please remember, if something needs to be done, please give me detailed instructions as I will have no idea what I'm doing.
Thank you for your time!