Random BSOD's: Memory_management, bad pool header etc.

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  1. Posts : 15,026
    Windows 10 Home 64Bit

    Seeing your latest dumps my final suggestion would be to re install windows.
    If all these BSoDs persists, it means its hardware related.
    If possible, take it to a computer shop for a check up.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 123
    Windows 7 Home premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    I've took it to a computer shop before and they told me to reinstall windows aswell, so I did.. that was like 3/4 months ago, what hardware could it be related to?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 15,026
    Windows 10 Home 64Bit

    Did you monitor your temps with Speccy?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 123
    Windows 7 Home premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 15,026
    Windows 10 Home 64Bit

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 123
    Windows 7 Home premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    http://speccy.piriform.com/results/I...BTepr1buQxWn0e <- for my specs. and temperaturea are:
    CPU: 46 celcius
    Motherboard: 48/49 celcius
    Graphics card: 41 celcius

    Tested this with 2 internet tabs open (one being YouTube, running a video.
    Spotify open
    Skype open - in call
    Running a lightweight game
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 10,200
    MS Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit

    This is the last time I will say this:
    Run Windows Defender Offline, WDO.
    Generally when a poster refuses/fails to run WDO after being advised numerous times to run WDO, they have a HACKED or ILLEGAL version of Win 7.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 123
    Windows 7 Home premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    karlsnooks said:
    This is the last time I will say this:
    Run Windows Defender Offline, WDO.
    Generally when a poster refuses/fails to run WDO after being advised numerous times to run WDO, they have a HACKED or ILLEGAL version of Win 7.
    I just ran WDO, quick + full scan, what should I do now?

      My Computer

  9. Posts : 10,200
    MS Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit

    Run following script, attach the zip file which the script places on your desktop to your next post.

    # ************************************************************
    # Zips up files from Windows Defender Offline
    # Places WDOlogs.ZIP on your Desktop
    # ************************************************************
    function New-Zip {
    String$Path, [Switch] $PassThru, [Switch] $Force )
    Process { if (Test-Path $path) {if (-not $Force) { return } }
    Set-Content $path ("PK" + [char]+ [char]+ ("$([char]0)" 18))
    $item Get-Item $path$item.IsReadOnly $false;if ($passThru) { $item } } }
    Copy-ToZip {param(
    Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('FullName')] 
    String]$File, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] [String]$ZipFile,[Switch]$HideProgress,[Switch]$Force )
    Begin {$ShellApplication = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
    if (-not (Test-Path $ZipFile)) {New-Zip $ZipFile};$Path Resolve-Path $ZipFile
    Process {$RealFile Get-Item $File; if (-not $RealFile) { return }        
      if (-
    not $hideProgress) {$perc +=5; if ($perc -gt 100) { $perc 
    Write-Progress "Copying to $ZipFile$RealFile.FullName -PercentComplete $perc}
    $Flags 0; if ($force) {$flags 16 -bor 1024 -bor 64 -bor 512};Write-Verbose $realFile.Fullname
    .CopyHere($realFile.Fullname$flags);Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500}}
    $divider "#" 79
    join-path $env:TEMP \wdofileinfo.txt
    IF (test-path $fileinfo) {del $fileinfo -ea:silentlycontinue -force:$true}
    $dir $env:windir '\Microsoft Antimalware\Support'
    $a dir $dir  -rec -force -ea:silentlycontinue sort-object -property lastwritetime 
    select namelastwritetimecreationtimelastaccesstimelengthextensionfullname
    $a select namelastwritetime,creationtime,lastaccesstime,length
    = @()
    $arr += $f
    where {$_.extension -eq '.log'} |Select fullname |
    foreach (
    $_.fullname) {
    $c $divider
    $e get-content -path $_.fullname
    += $c$d$e
    $arr out-file $fileinfo
    $env:userprofile '\desktop\WDOlogs.ZIP'
    new-zip $ziploc -verbose:$false -ea:silentlycontinue -force:$true
    -tozip  $fileinfo $ziploc -verbose:$false -hideprogress:$true
    del $fileinfo

    # **********************INSTRUCTIONS**************************
    # STEP 1 ** RUN POWERSHELL AS ADMINISTRATOR ******************
    # ************************************************************
    # WIN key | type POWERSHELL | do NOT hit ENTER |
    # in the PROGRAMS list, right-click on WINDOWS POWERSHELL |
    # choose "Run as administrator" |
    # Click on the YES button (if such appears)
    # WIN key = key with Microsoft log on top
    # for the guru:
    # WIN | type POWERSHELL | CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER key combo | ALT+Y keycombo
    # ************************************************************
    # STEP 2 ** COPY AND PASTE ***********************************
    # ************************************************************
    # COPY the script using CTRL+C,
    # COPY every line of script down thru both EXIT statements
    # PASTE into Powershell
    #----Right-Click at the PowerShell Prompt
    #----(Ctrl+V does not work)
    # Start copying with first script line without a # at start of the line
    # Note: Actually, you can paste the entire file if you rather
    #-------Lines starting with a # are ignored by PowerShell
    # ************************************************************
    # STEP 3 ** SCRIPT OUTPUT & SCRIPT PURPOSE *******************
    # ************************************************************
    # --The script output and purpose is given at the very front of the script
    # --The script output and purpose is given at the very front of the script
    # ************************************************************
    # ***************** NOTE - POWERSHELL VERSION*****************
    # if you receive this error msg:
    #--The system can not find the path specified
    # you may need to update your PowerShell
    # you must be using Powershell 2.0 or later.
    # To determine your Powershell version:
    #---Run PowerShell
    #---enter $host.version
    #---you should see at least:
    # Major Minor Build Revision
    # ----- ----- ----- --------
    # 2......0......-1.....-1
    # If you do not see the above, update your Vista/Win 7.
    # ************************************************************
    # *************** NOTE - EXECUTION POLICY*********************
    # If you haven't set the execution policy, you may need to:
    #---Run PowerShell
    # ************************************************************
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 123
    Windows 7 Home premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Okay I've followed the steps, attaching file!

      My Computer

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