Run following script, attach the zip file which the script places on your desktop to your next post.
# ************************************************************
# Zips up files from Windows Defender Offline
# Places WDOlogs.ZIP on your Desktop
# ************************************************************
function New-Zip {
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
[String] $Path, [Switch] $PassThru, [Switch] $Force )
Process { if (Test-Path $path) {if (-not $Force) { return } }
Set-Content $path ("PK" + [char]5 + [char]6 + ("$([char]0)" * 18))
$item = Get-Item $path; $item.IsReadOnly = $false;if ($passThru) { $item } } }
function Copy-ToZip {param(
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('FullName')]
[String]$File, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] [String]$ZipFile,[Switch]$HideProgress,[Switch]$Force )
Begin {$ShellApplication = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
if (-not (Test-Path $ZipFile)) {New-Zip $ZipFile};$Path = Resolve-Path $ZipFile
$ZipPackage =$ShellApplication.Namespace("$Path")}
Process {$RealFile = Get-Item $File; if (-not $RealFile) { return }
if (-not $hideProgress) {$perc +=5; if ($perc -gt 100) { $perc = 0 }
Write-Progress "Copying to $ZipFile" $RealFile.FullName -PercentComplete $perc}
$Flags = 0; if ($force) {$flags = 16 -bor 1024 -bor 64 -bor 512};Write-Verbose $realFile.Fullname
$ZipPackage.CopyHere($realFile.Fullname, $flags);Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500}}
$divider = "#" * 79
$fileinfo = join-path $env:TEMP \wdofileinfo.txt
IF (test-path $fileinfo) {del $fileinfo -ea:silentlycontinue -force:$true}
$dir = $env:windir + '\Microsoft Antimalware\Support'
$a = dir $dir -rec -force -ea:silentlycontinue | sort-object -property lastwritetime |
select name, lastwritetime, creationtime, lastaccesstime, length, extension, fullname
$f = $a | select name, lastwritetime,creationtime,lastaccesstime,length
$arr = @()
$arr += $f
$a | where {$_.extension -eq '.log'} |Select fullname |
foreach ($_.fullname) {
$c = $divider
$d = $_.fullname;
$e = get-content -path $_.fullname
$arr += $c, $d, $e
$arr | out-file $fileinfo
$ziploc = $env:userprofile + '\desktop\WDOlogs.ZIP'
new-zip $ziploc -verbose:$false -ea:silentlycontinue -force:$true
copy-tozip $fileinfo $ziploc -verbose:$false -hideprogress:$true
del $fileinfo
# **********************INSTRUCTIONS**************************
# ************************************************************
# WIN key | type POWERSHELL | do NOT hit ENTER |
# in the PROGRAMS list, right-click on WINDOWS POWERSHELL |
# choose "Run as administrator" |
# Click on the YES button (if such appears)
# WIN key = key with Microsoft log on top
# for the guru:
# WIN | type POWERSHELL | CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER key combo | ALT+Y keycombo
# ************************************************************
# STEP 2 ** COPY AND PASTE ***********************************
# ************************************************************
# COPY the script using CTRL+C,
# COPY every line of script down thru both EXIT statements
# PASTE into Powershell
#----Right-Click at the PowerShell Prompt
#----(Ctrl+V does not work)
# Start copying with first script line without a # at start of the line
# Note: Actually, you can paste the entire file if you rather
#-------Lines starting with a # are ignored by PowerShell
# ************************************************************
# STEP 3 ** SCRIPT OUTPUT & SCRIPT PURPOSE *******************
# ************************************************************
# --The script output and purpose is given at the very front of the script
# --The script output and purpose is given at the very front of the script
# ************************************************************
# ***************** NOTE - POWERSHELL VERSION*****************
# if you receive this error msg:
#--The system can not find the path specified
# you may need to update your PowerShell
# you must be using Powershell 2.0 or later.
# To determine your Powershell version:
#---Run PowerShell
#---enter $host.version
#---you should see at least:
# Major Minor Build Revision
# ----- ----- ----- --------
# 2......0......-1.....-1
# If you do not see the above, update your Vista/Win 7.
# ************************************************************
# *************** NOTE - EXECUTION POLICY*********************
# If you haven't set the execution policy, you may need to:
#---Run PowerShell
# ************************************************************