System restore from F8 at boot?
Advanced Boot Options
System restore from F8 at boot?
Advanced Boot Options
OK I will try. Thanks again.
If I cannot get one, I will try the recovery method and follow the post that explained what to do with Defender etc.
Hmmm, tried F8 (by repeatedly pressing it after a restart) and it just gave me boot drive options. It didn't take me to the screen that shows the sytem restore option...
I just looked at the thread under the F8 post and found that F5 worked for someone.
Tried it and it took me to a page where I could then press F8 and it WORKED! YAY!
So I have the screen now that says
Repair Your Computer
3 x Safe mode options (that I know don't work)
enable boot logging
last known good configuration (advanced)
debugging mode
disable automatic restart on system faliure
disable drive signiture enforcement
OK then you can get into Safe Mode. Seems that you tried the wrong way before and gave a mileading title. You can use the repair options, then.
Try last known
just tried safe mode and it worked the same as it did before (i.e. it didn't)
it seems to load drivers, gets to an avg one (I think) and then i just get a black screen
Should I not try 'repair your computer' option or 'last known good configuration (advanced)'?
These sound more promising...