Thanks for the specs.
There is a discreprancy between what msinfo32.exe reports and what you have posted in your specs.
Only a one letter difference, but this time that difference is important.
I'm going to ask you to run a couple of scripts for me and to attach the results to your next post.
# **********************INSTRUCTIONS**************************
# ************************************************************
# WIN key | type POWERSHELL | do NOT hit ENTER |
# in the PROGRAMS list, right-click on WINDOWS POWERSHELL |
# choose "Run as administrator" |
# Click on the YES button (if such appears)
# WIN key = key with Microsoft log on top
# for the guru:
# WIN | type POWERSHELL | CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER key combo | ALT+Y keycombo
# ************************************************************
# STEP 2 ** COPY AND PASTE ***********************************
# ************************************************************
# COPY the script using CTRL+C,
# COPY every line of script down thru both EXIT statements
# PASTE into Powershell
#----Right-Click at the PowerShell Prompt
#----(Ctrl+V does not work)
# Start copying with first script line without a # at start of the line
# Note: Actually, you can paste the entire file if you rather
#-------Lines starting with a # are ignored by PowerShell
# ************************************************************
# STEP 3 ** SCRIPT OUTPUT & SCRIPT PURPOSE *******************
# ************************************************************
# --The script output and purpose is given at the very front of the script
# --The script output and purpose is given at the very front of the script
# ************************************************************
# ***************** NOTE - POWERSHELL VERSION*****************
# if you receive this error msg:
#--The system can not find the path specified
# you may need to update your PowerShell
# you must be using Powershell 2.0 or later.
# To determine your Powershell version:
#---Run PowerShell
#---enter $host.version
#---you should see at least:
# Major Minor Build Revision
# ----- ----- ----- --------
# 2......0......-1.....-1
# If you do not see the above, update your Vista/Win 7.
# ************************************************************
# *************** NOTE - EXECUTION POLICY*********************
# If you haven't set the execution policy, you may need to:
#---Run PowerShell
# ************************************************************
# *****************************************************
# ################ CPU ################################
# Places CPU.txt on the desktop
# CPU.txt contains info about your processors
# *****************************************************
$Arr = @() # create empty array to hold result
$cpu = gwmi win32_processor # fetch cpu info
# Process all cpu
ForEach ($e in $cpu) {
# make hash array
$hash = @{
"CPU" = "*" * 40
"Manufacturer" = $e.manufacturer
"Name" = $
"Device ID" = $e.deviceid
"Current Clock Speed" = "{0} MHz" -f ($e.currentclockspeed)
"External Clock" = $e.extclock
"Maximum Clock Speed" = "{0} MHz" -f ($e.maxclockspeed)
"Socket" = $e.socketdesignation
"Number of Cores" = $e.numberofcores
"Number of Logical Processors" = $e.numberoflogicalprocessors
} # end of hash array
# create obj using hash array
$obj = new-object -type psobject -property $Hash |
Select CPU,"device id",Name, "Manufacturer", "current clock speed", "maximum clock speed", socket, "Number of Cores", "Number of Logical Processors"
# add to result array
$arr += $obj
} # end of foreach
$arr > $env:userprofile\desktop\CPU.txt
# *****************************************
# ################# Motherboard ###########
# Places Motherboard.txt on the desktop
# Contains manufacturer and product type
# *****************************************
# Create management object
$mobo = gwmi win32_BaseBoard
# Create hash table
$Hash = @{
"MOTHERBOARD" = "*" * 40
"Manufacturer" = $mobo.manufacturer
"Product Type" = $mobo.product
#create psobject,specify properties with the hash table, use SELECT to specify order
$obj = new-object -type psobject -property $hash | SELECT MOTHERBOARD, manufacturer,"Product Type" | FL
$obj > $env:userprofile\desktop\Motherboard.txt
# *****************************************************************
# ######################## BIOS ###################################
# Places BIOS.txt on the desktop
# Contains info about your bios
# *****************************************************************
# create a management object containing bios info
$bios = gwmi win32_bios
# create a PSCustomObject
$obj = "" | select BIOS, Manufacturer, Name, Version, "Release Date", "Serial Number"
# populate the object
$obj.BIOS = "*" * 40
$obj.Manufacturer = $bios.manufacturer
$obj.Name = $
$obj.Version = $bios.smbiosbiosversion
$obj."Release Date" = $bios.converttodatetime($bios.releasedate).tostring("d")
$obj."Serial Number" = $bios.serialnumber
$obj > $env:userprofile\desktop\bios.txt
# ************************************************************
# #### COMPUTER INFO SUMMARY #################################
# Places ComputerInfo.txt on the desktop
# ************************************************************
# Create empty array to hold results
$arr = @()
# Create management objects with computer info
$CS = gwmi Win32_ComputerSystem
$CSprod = gwmi Win32_ComputerSystemProduct
$Build = gwmi Win32_WMISetting
$bootcfg = gwmi Win32_BootConfiguration
$mem = gwmi win32_PhysicalMemoryArray
# create a Hash array, ie, array of name-value pairs
$hash = @{
"COMPUTER INFO" = "*" * 40
"Manufacturer" = $cs.manufacturer
"Model" = $cs.Model
"Version" = $csprod.version
"Primary Owner" = $cs.primaryownername
"User Name" = $cs.username
"Architecture Type" = $cs.systemtype
"Total Memory" = "{0:n2} GB" -f ($mem.maxcapacity/1MB)
"Build Version" = $build.buildversion
"Boot Directory" = $bootcfg.bootdirectory
} # end of hash array
# create a PowerShell object and use the hash table to specify the properties
# use a select command to specify the order
$obj = New-object -type PSobject -Property $hash |
SELECT "COMPUTER INFO", Manufacturer, Model, "Architecture Type","Primary Owner", "User Name", "Total Memory", Version, "Build Version", "Boot Directory"
# Add object to array
$arr += $obj
$Arr > $env:userprofile\desktop\computerinfo.txt
# ************************************************
# Collects information about your operating system
# Places OSinfo.txt on the desktop
# ************************************************
# Create an empty array to hold objects
$arr = @()
# ######### OS ############################
$os = gwmi win32_operatingsystem
# $e = current element in the following foreach loop
foreach ($e in $OS) {
# Create and populate a hash table for os info
$hash = @{
"OS Version" = $e.caption
"Service Pack" = $e.csdversion
"Installed" = ($e.converttodatetime($e.installdate)).tostring("d")
"Last Bootup" = ($e.converttodatetime($e.lastbootuptime))
"Local Date-Time" = ($e.converttodatetime($e.localdatetime))
"Number of Users" = $e.numberofusers
"OS Architecture" = $e.osarchitecture
"Registered User" = $e.registereduser
"Product ID" = $e.serialnumber
"Service Pack Version" = [string]$e.servicepackmajorversion + "." + [string]$e.servicepackminorversion
"System Drive" = $e.systemdrive
"Windows Directory" = $e.windowsdirectory
} # end of hash array
# create object using hash array
$obj = new-object -type psobject -property $hash |
Select "Operating System", "OS Version", "Service Pack", Installed, "Last Bootup", "Local Date-Time", "Number of Users", "OS Architecture", `
"Registered User", "Product ID","service pack version", "System Drive", "Windows Directory"
# add to result array
$arr += $obj
} # end of foreach loop
$arr > $env:userprofile\desktop\OSinfo.txt