Random BSOD while computer IDLE and Gaming

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  1. Posts : 10,200
    MS Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit

    Thanks for the specs.

    There is a discreprancy between what msinfo32.exe reports and what you have posted in your specs.

    Only a one letter difference, but this time that difference is important.

    I'm going to ask you to run a couple of scripts for me and to attach the results to your next post.

    # **********************INSTRUCTIONS**************************
    # STEP 1 ** RUN POWERSHELL AS ADMINISTRATOR ******************
    # ************************************************************
    # WIN key | type POWERSHELL | do NOT hit ENTER |
    # in the PROGRAMS list, right-click on WINDOWS POWERSHELL |
    # choose "Run as administrator" |
    # Click on the YES button (if such appears)
    # WIN key = key with Microsoft log on top
    # for the guru:
    # WIN | type POWERSHELL | CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER key combo | ALT+Y keycombo
    # ************************************************************
    # STEP 2 ** COPY AND PASTE ***********************************
    # ************************************************************
    # COPY the script using CTRL+C,
    # COPY every line of script down thru both EXIT statements
    # PASTE into Powershell
    #----Right-Click at the PowerShell Prompt
    #----(Ctrl+V does not work)
    # Start copying with first script line without a # at start of the line
    # Note: Actually, you can paste the entire file if you rather
    #-------Lines starting with a # are ignored by PowerShell
    # ************************************************************
    # STEP 3 ** SCRIPT OUTPUT & SCRIPT PURPOSE *******************
    # ************************************************************
    # --The script output and purpose is given at the very front of the script
    # --The script output and purpose is given at the very front of the script
    # ************************************************************
    # ***************** NOTE - POWERSHELL VERSION*****************
    # if you receive this error msg:
    #--The system can not find the path specified
    # you may need to update your PowerShell
    # you must be using Powershell 2.0 or later.
    # To determine your Powershell version:
    #---Run PowerShell
    #---enter $host.version
    #---you should see at least:
    # Major Minor Build Revision
    # ----- ----- ----- --------
    # 2......0......-1.....-1
    # If you do not see the above, update your Vista/Win 7.
    # ************************************************************
    # *************** NOTE - EXECUTION POLICY*********************
    # If you haven't set the execution policy, you may need to:
    #---Run PowerShell
    # ************************************************************

    # *****************************************************
    # ################ CPU ################################
    # Places CPU.txt on the desktop
    # CPU.txt contains info about your processors
    # *****************************************************
    $Arr = @()   # create empty array to hold result
    $cpu gwmi win32_processor  # fetch cpu info
    # Process all cpu
    ForEach ($e in $cpu) {
    # make hash array
    $hash = @{
    "CPU"                 "*" 40
    "Manufacturer"        $e.manufacturer
    "Name"                $e.name
    "Device ID"           $e.deviceid
    "Current Clock Speed" "{0} MHz" -($e.currentclockspeed)
    "External Clock"      $e.extclock
    "Maximum Clock Speed" "{0} MHz" -($e.maxclockspeed
    "Socket"              $e.socketdesignation
    "Number of Cores"     $e.numberofcores
    "Number of Logical Processors" $e.numberoflogicalprocessors
    # end of hash array

      # create obj using hash array
    $obj = new-object -type psobject -property $Hash |
    Select CPU,"device id",Name"Manufacturer""current clock speed",  "maximum clock speed"socket"Number of Cores""Number of Logical Processors"

    # add to result array
    $arr += $obj

    # end of foreach

    $arr $env:userprofile\desktop\CPU.txt

    # *****************************************
    # ################# Motherboard ###########
    # Places Motherboard.txt on the desktop
    # Contains manufacturer and product type
    # *****************************************

    # Create management object
    $mobo    gwmi win32_BaseBoard
    # Create hash table
    $Hash = @{
    "MOTHERBOARD"   "*" 40
    "Manufacturer"  $mobo.manufacturer
    "Product Type"  $mobo.product
    #create psobject,specify properties with the hash table, use SELECT to specify order
    $obj = new-object -type psobject -property $hash SELECT MOTHERBOARDmanufacturer,"Product Type" FL


    # *****************************************************************
    # ######################## BIOS ###################################
    # Places BIOS.txt on the desktop
    # Contains info about your bios
    # *****************************************************************
    # create a management object containing bios info
    $bios gwmi win32_bios
    # create a PSCustomObject
    $obj "" select BIOSManufacturerNameVersion"Release Date""Serial Number"
    # populate the object
    $obj.BIOS            "*" 40
    .Manufacturer    $bios.manufacturer
    .Name            $bios.name
    .Version         $bios.smbiosbiosversion
    ."Release Date"  $bios.converttodatetime($bios.releasedate).tostring("d")
    $obj."Serial Number" $bios.serialnumber



    # ************************************************************
    # #### COMPUTER INFO SUMMARY #################################
    # Places ComputerInfo.txt on the desktop
    # ************************************************************
    # Create empty array to hold results
    $arr = @()

    # Create management objects with computer info
    $CS      gwmi Win32_ComputerSystem   
    gwmi Win32_ComputerSystemProduct 
    gwmi Win32_WMISetting
    gwmi Win32_BootConfiguration 
    gwmi win32_PhysicalMemoryArray 
    # create a Hash array, ie, array of name-value pairs
    $hash = @{
    "COMPUTER INFO"     "*" 40
    "Manufacturer"      $cs.manufacturer
    "Model"             $cs.Model
    "Version"           $csprod.version
    "Primary Owner"     $cs.primaryownername
    "User Name"         $cs.username
    "Architecture Type" $cs.systemtype
    "Total Memory"      "{0:n2} GB" -($mem.maxcapacity/1MB)
    "Build Version"     $build.buildversion
    "Boot Directory"    $bootcfg.bootdirectory
    # end of hash array

    # create a PowerShell object and use the hash table to specify the properties
    # use a select command to specify the order
    $obj = New-object -type PSobject -Property $hash |
    SELECT "COMPUTER INFO"ManufacturerModel"Architecture Type","Primary Owner""User Name""Total Memory"Version"Build Version""Boot Directory"

    # Add object to array
    $arr += $obj



    # ************************************************
    # Collects information about your operating system
    # Places OSinfo.txt on the desktop
    # ************************************************

    # Create an empty array to hold objects
    $arr = @()

    # ######### OS ############################
    $os gwmi win32_operatingsystem
    # $e = current element in the following foreach loop
    foreach ($e in $OS) { 
    # Create and populate a hash table for os info
    $hash = @{
    "OS Version"        $e.caption
    "Service Pack"      $e.csdversion
    "Installed"         = ($e.converttodatetime($e.installdate)).tostring("d")
    "Last Bootup"       = ($e.converttodatetime($e.lastbootuptime))
    "Local Date-Time"   = ($e.converttodatetime($e.localdatetime))
    "Number of Users"   $e.numberofusers
    "OS Architecture"   $e.osarchitecture
    "Registered User"   $e.registereduser
    "Product ID"        $e.serialnumber
    "Service Pack Version" = [string]$e.servicepackmajorversion "." + [string]$e.servicepackminorversion
    "System Drive"      $e.systemdrive
    "Windows Directory" $e.windowsdirectory
    # end of hash array

    # create object using hash array
    $obj = new-object -type psobject -property $hash |
    Select "Operating System""OS Version""Service Pack"Installed"Last Bootup""Local Date-Time""Number of Users""OS Architecture", `
    "Registered User", "Product ID","service pack version", "System Drive", "Windows Directory"
    # add to result array
    $arr += $obj
    } # end of foreach loop

    $arr > $env:userprofile\desktop\OSinfo.txt


      My Computer

  2. Posts : 31
    Windows 7 Home 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Here are the results.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 31
    Windows 7 Home 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    So far the stress test hasn't caused my CPU to go above 56° Celsius (average of all cores) using Speccy as a monitor of temp.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 10,200
    MS Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit

    very good. Personally, I do not suspect the cpu, but I've been wrong before.

    You do NOT have a UD3 board but rather a D3 board.
    Please make the change in your specs or show me how you are coming up with a UD3.

    Next step is to update your bios.
    go ahead and install the very latest,f11c, which is a beta.

    Here is the website:
    GIGABYTE - Motherboard - Socket AM3+ - GA-970A-D3 (rev. 1.0/1.1)

    Here is the procedure for updating your gigabyte bios:


    Ø Insert a USB stick (256 mb is more than enough)
    Ø WIN + E | right-click on the drive
    Ø Format | set FAT32 as the FileSystem | uncheck Quick Format |
    button | Close button after format finished

    Ø WIN + E | right-click on the drive
    Ø Properties | Tools tab | Check Now button |
    both boxes | START button

    Ø Go to the Gigabyte website Gigabyte Homepage
    Ø Click on Support and Downloads (in the menu at the top)
    Ø In the Downloads' Model Name box, enter your motherboard model, for example,GA-Z68X-UD4-B3, click on Search
    Ø In the Results section, click on BIOS
    Ø You are now at the Downloads page for your motherboard

    Ø In the row For the most recent BIOS, in the Download Here column,
    select your desired download source, for example, America
    Ø Click on the Save button

    Ø You have now Downloaded the Bios update file which is a
    self-extractor, for example, mb_bios_ga-z68x-ud4-b3_f10.exe
    Ø Extract the file (simply run the file you downloaded to extract)
    Ø Copy the file with a name like Z68XUD4.F10 to the USB stick.
    Ø Leave the USB stick connected.
    Ø Shutdown your computer.

    Ø Power Up your computer.
    Ø Immediately start continuously tapping the END key on the keyboard.
    Ø The Main Menu of Q-Flash will appear on the screen.
    Ø Select HDD-1.0 and hit ENTER
    Ø Select the Bios update file and hit ENTER
    Ø Press ENTER when Are you sure to update BIOS? appears.
    Ø The monitor will display the update progress.
    Ø When the update is finished, press any key.
    Ø You are now back at the Main Menu

    Ø Remove the USB stick.
    Ø Press ESC and then press ENTER to exit Q-Flash.
    Ø Your system will reboot.

    Ø Immediately start tapping DEL (the Delete key) to enter BIOS
    Ø Select Load Optimized Defaults and hit ENTER
    Ø Select Save and Exit Bios and press Y
    Ø Your system will restart and the procedure is complete.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 15,026
    Windows 10 Home 64Bit

    vehement said:
    So far the stress test hasn't caused my CPU to go above 56° Celsius (average of all cores) using Speccy as a monitor of temp.
    That's good.

    While running the test did you have any freezes, lags or bsods?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 31
    Windows 7 Home 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    It looks like the temps have shot up to 59° C. I have had no crashes
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 15,026
    Windows 10 Home 64Bit

    Do you have verifier enabled at the moment?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 31
    Windows 7 Home 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    No I do not have Driver Verifier enabled at the moment. Is that what you're referring to?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 15,026
    Windows 10 Home 64Bit

    vehement said:
    No I do not have Driver Verifier enabled at the moment. Is that what you're referring to?

    Observe your computer for now. Update these threads if you continue to have problems.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 10,200
    MS Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit

    Let me know when you have updated the bios. You have, most probably, a couple more updates to be applied, but I do not want to proceed without an updated bios.
      My Computer

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