I have updated the BIOS quite recently. I believe within the last two months. Has there been another update since?
I have updated the BIOS quite recently. I believe within the last two months. Has there been another update since?
I just had BSOD. I was browsing the web with a couple tabs open. I was researching the latest BIOS version for my MOBO. WinAmp was also playing music and I also had Stress test running but the temp didn't go above 59/60° (it was jumping between the two temps).
GIGABYTE - Motherboard - Socket AM3+ - GA-970A-D3 (rev. 1.0/1.1)
Is the website you need.
ONLY go to the GIGABYTE site for updates, etc for your motherboard.
In case you are wondering, running other things at the same time as the stress test is a good way to cause a BSOD.
Ok I have updated my BIOS. Now I wait for another BSOD and upload the report? That is if I get one..
Now run these two scripts:
# *****************************************************************
# ######################## BIOS ###################################
# Places BIOS.txt on the desktop
# Contains info about your bios
# *****************************************************************
# create a management object containing bios info
$bios = gwmi win32_bios
# create a PSCustomObject
$obj = "" | select BIOS, Manufacturer, Name, Version, "Release Date", "Serial Number"
# populate the object
$obj.BIOS = "*" * 40
$obj.Manufacturer = $bios.manufacturer
$obj.Name = $
$obj.Version = $bios.smbiosbiosversion
$obj."Release Date" = $bios.converttodatetime($bios.releasedate).tostring("d")
$obj."Serial Number" = $bios.serialnumber
$obj > $env:userprofile\desktop\bios.txt
# *******************************************************************************
# Places 3RD PARTY DRIVERS.TXT on your desktop
# Places 3RD Party DRIVERS.CSV on your desktop
# Places FULL DRIVER INFO.CSV on you desktop.
# All are sorted by the driver creation date
# CSV files can be viewed, sorted, etc. using Microsoft EXCEL
# *******************************************************************************
# Create an array of gwmi objects
$a = gwmi win32_systemdriver | select name, description, state, startmode,pathname
# Create an array of pathnameobjects
$b = $a | foreach { (gi $_.pathname) } |
select creationtime, lastaccesstime,lastwritetime, basename, directory, name
# Create an array of FileVersionInfo objects using the array you just created
$c = $a | foreach { (gi $_.pathname).versioninfo } |
select companyname,filedescription,filename,internalname,productversion,fileversion
# Create an empty array to hold objects
$arr = @()
$i = 0 # initialize index
ForEach ($aobj in $a) {
$obj = new-object system.object # Create a new system object
# add members using the names and values from the two arrays of objects
$obj | add-member -type noteproperty -name Name -value $
$obj | add-member -type noteproperty -name State -value $aobj.state
$obj | add-member -type noteproperty -name "Start Mode" -value $aobj.startmode
$obj | add-member -type noteproperty -name "creationtime" -value ($b[$i].creationtime)
$obj | add-member -type noteproperty -name "Created" -value ($b[$i].creationtime).toshortdatestring()
$obj | add-member -type noteproperty -name "Last Accessed" -value $b[$i].lastaccesstime
$obj | add-member -type noteproperty -name "Last Written" -value $b[$i].lastwritetime
$obj | add-member -type noteproperty -name "Directory" -value $b[$i].directory
$obj | add-member -type noteproperty -name "Company Name" -value $c[$i].companyname
$obj | add-member -type noteproperty -name "Description" -value $c[$i].filedescription
$obj | add-member -type noteproperty -name "File Name" -value $c[$i].filename
$obj | add-member -type noteproperty -name "Internal Name" -value $c[$i].internalname
$obj | add-member -type noteproperty -name "Product Version" -value $c[$i].productversion
$obj | add-member -type noteproperty -name "File Version" -value $c[$i].fileversion
$arr += $obj
$i ++
$barr = $arr | ? {($_.state -eq "Running") -AND ($_."Company Name" -ne "Microsoft Corporation")} |
sort creationtime | select name, Description, "Created", "File Version", "Company Name"
$barr | ft -wrap -auto > $env:userprofile\desktop\"3RD PARTY DRIVERS.TXT"
$barr | export-csv -notypeinformation $env:userprofile\desktop\"3RD PARTY DRIVERS.CSV"
$arr | sort creationtime |
select name, Description, "Created", "File Version", "Company Name", State, "Start Mode", `
"Last Accessed", "Last Written", "File Name", "Internal Name", Directory, "Product Version" |
export-csv -notypeinformation $env:userprofile\desktop\"FULL DRIVER INFO.CSV"
Ok I noticed it skipped some of the script on the second one.. I think it's because I didn't have the drive it was asking for? A: If I remember correctly.
None of these scripts ask for drive A;
Please rerun the drivers script and upload all three files.
I only have two scripts to run it seems.