system crashes during booting

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  1. Posts : 44
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    well.... keep on doing xtra things is not my hobby ..... but i did it out of an expectation if it could resolve my issue..... i agree that you didn't tell me to uninstall physx in the process of removing directx 9.... but i just did a reinstallation of my graphic card driver....
    ,i thought may be it could fix this up as i confidently don't know what exactly is going on behind the scene,what actually is the reason of my i had to remove all the previous components of the driver.. but i was unable to remove the physx..... it was just staying there....

    but now i have done the re installation of windows 7.... & it seems to be the problem is solved.....

    till now my graphic card is performing smoothly......

    but i don't know when i shall have to come again here to post problems.... & annoy you for one more time...

    don't mind for my words...

    thanks.... i appreciate your kind help because your advice gave me some confidence to try & do driver installation,reinstallations on my own,that i could not do before because if i was frightened of if anything cause any damage to my graphic card .....,but now atleast i've overcome that fear...
    thanks to you especially for this...
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,454
    Windows 7 ultimate x64

    Ashin5 said:
    well.... keep on doing xtra things is not my hobby ..... but i did it out of an expectation if it could resolve my issue..... i agree that you didn't tell me to uninstall physx in the process of removing directx 9.... but i just did a reinstallation of my graphic card driver....
    ,i thought may be it could fix this up as i confidently don't know what exactly is going on behind the i had to remove all the previous components of the driver.. but i was unable to remove the physx..... it was just staying there....

    but now i have done the re installation of windows 7.... & it seems to be the problem is solved.....

    till now my graphic card is performing smoothly......

    but i don't know when i shall have to come again here to post problems.... & annoy you...

    don't mind for my words...

    thanks.... i appreciate your kind help....
    that good to hear

    Sometimes a simple reinstallation solves more than half of your problem.... if the errors are not hardware based

    Well you should wait for us to finish with the troubleshooting ..... because each step we ask you to do is a process of troubleshooting..... (we dont have access to your system you see)..... so if you do something that is not been makes it more confusing and difficult to find the root cause.... hope you understand !!

    Anyways.... you are always welcome here....
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 44
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
    Thread Starter

      My Computer

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