BSOD (page fault)after login and runs fine in safemode
I am getting BSOD constantly.
This started happening after I took apart my computer, installed a new cpu fan, and put it back together.
I have tried lots of things, so far no luck.
I am attaching my win7 SF diagnostic files, which has all the minidumps in it.
The bluescreen at the beginning was always
PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, but I also get alot of
It does not happen before I login, or while I'm in safe mode.
I ran memtest86+ and windows mem diagnostic, no problems there
I'm pretty sure my hard drives are fine.
I've tried disabling all startup services and programs, it seems to help a little, but I eventually bluescreen while using the computer.
At this point the only thing I assume it could be if not fault hardware, is a driver problem.
After I ran out of ideas, I started looking up things and found driver verifier, I turned that on and well, instantly bluescreen after logging in, lol, however I have not been able to make sense of any of the minidumps.
I was going to update my system drivers, especially my chipset driver, but while I was trying things, I saw that the windows installer service doesn't run in safemode, which might be what some of my drivers use, so I wanted to ask here first.
Please save me, lol
Ps. I just realized that the latest 3 or 4 dumps had driver verifier on Microsoft as well...I am currently running a non Microsoft driver verifier test..I will post the result asap
*New info* I may have fixed my problem, will mark this solved and post reasoni f I don't get a bluescreen in the next 24 hours
*edit* problem is solved
When I built my computer, I overclocked it ot 3.9 gigs, and found out that the max was 4.2 gigs
When I took out the cpu and put it back in while replacing the cooler, my motherboard thought it was a new cpu.
It kept my overclock settings, but for some reason enabled turbo mode.
I was already at 3.9 and turbo mode pushed it to around 4.4, with extra voltage.
I simply disabled turbo mode, and well....problem solved
Heh, its always something simple, that I make super complicated when my computer messes up.
Last edited by necrovamp; 05 Sep 2012 at 08:41.