No new BSOD.
Attachment 290428
Agree. You helped me solve my BSOD problem. Thank you
Now I'm trying to solve my daily Event 41, Kernel Power freezes
See attached jpeg
Arc has asked me to see if I can allay your concerns about your systems performance.
One indicator of computer performance is latency which leads me to ask, have you ran any utilities that will check for latency, especially before you removed the Marvell controller?
Were there any logs generated that you can compare? Since Arc has helped in controlling your BSOD's I would not want you to try re-installing Marvel just to run a test benchmark.
There is something else to consider, how do you have those 5? (1) SSD, and (4)HDD's connected to your Asus motherboard (MB)?
There are tests in the field that your SSD would do better if it is in an Intel SATA II port over the Marvel or JMicron SATA III ports. I haven't gone over the specs of your MB, but it would be an area you should look into.
You can use Perfmon to check for latency: Measuring Disk Latency with Windows Performance Monitor (Perfmon)
Here are some other utilities that can be useful, Arc may have some other suggestions also:
CrystalDiskMark - Software - Crystal Dew World
This one has some problems with SSD's simply because it uses 0's to fill a sector and they compress better than actual data.
Disk Benchmark | ATTO
I received an email notification from you (Husaberger),but I don't see it here. Sounds like you may have had another BSOD?Here is the message that has just been posted:
I was hopeful after updating the SATA driver and removing the Marvell controller but no luck
Latest zip file is attached
Did you change your mind and delete it or maybe something happened in transmission?
Hello Arc and Anak
No longer getting BSOD. Still battling my Event 41, Kernel Power freezes
I did not run latency tests before removing the Marvell controller but all latency testing done since is normal/unremarkable
Hello Arc and Anak
No longer getting BSOD. Still battling my Event 41, Kernel Power freezes
1. I did not run latency tests before removing the Marvell controller but all latency testing done since is normal/unremarkable
2. I have the Intel SSD hooked up to the Intel SATA3 port
I guess my question is... What do you think the problem is (I know you do not know or this thread would have been closed long ago).
1. Do you think it is a hardware problem because if so I am ready to simply start replacing compenents
2. Do you think it could be a virus/malware? I download a fair amount of torrents
- Read through this link: FREEZE: Event ID 41: Kernel Power especially take note of the bottom of post #21
- If you are running torrents just make damn sure you know who you're downloading from and your antimalware protection is on guard constantly.
- You still have some drivers that are seriously outdated: Attachment 291373 I would first concentrate on the ones from the Intel at 2005 to 2008 then the ones in 2009, if you don't need them get rid of them.
- You can use this to find most: Driver Reference Table (DRT)
I find it curious that when I viewed your driver list it didn't show the 501 error listed at the top: Directory service does not start, event log shows error -510
Thank you Anak. Will start on task list
I've tried running Memtest and cannot get through 1 pass without a freeze/crash
Is that of concern to you?
Windows memory diagnostic shows no errors
Your welcome. Thank you for following up on the tasks.
It would be, wouldn't it be for you?
Windows Memory Diagnostic (WMD) is a 10year old tool, but because memory testing methods haven't changed much over the years Microsoft still feels it is a useful tool.
It does have limitations though:
- It is ten years old and RAM has come a long way since 2003 even if the testing methods are similar.
- And it only scans the first 4GB of RAM, and you have how much, 16GB?
Bad RAM can initiate an Event41.
RAM is involved with system response. If the RAM responds poorly or not at all to external commands from the CPU's, peripheral chipsets or HDD's in your system, your system could crash. Loss of power would be a bad PSU, loss of utility power entering your home or any of a multitude of reasons for "Loss of Power".The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.
Windows Kernel event ID 41 error "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first" in Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008 R2
Under those conditions your machine has not "Cleanly Shut Down" and when it goes to restart it throws a Windows Kernel event ID 41 error.
Last week I had five "Momentary Power Outages" caused by our local Power Utility (PPL) and each one throwed an "Event41" in my "Custom Views - Administrative Events" Events Viewer Log at the precise time they happened.
Attachment 291462
I would continue to run Memtest86+ (MT+) Follow Part #3, If you have errors:
RAM - Test with Memtest86+
MT+ does not create a traditional log file, if it does find errors and you need help interpreting them you will have to take a screenshot and post that.
Do you have the latest version of MT+? Its 5.01, updated just last month. Although I'm seeing problems with it crashing on the MT+ forums.
Running, Using memtest | MT+ Forums
Thank you for the detailed responses Anak
I was able to get the latest version of Memtest to run after selecting the 'force multi-threading' option. 10 passes with no errors so RAM should be good
Will be working on your punch list from post #57 and will report results
Thank you again for sticking with me on this difficult problem