BSOD While gaming + video editing, error 0x0000010E

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  1. Posts : 17
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    BSOD While gaming + video editing, error 0x0000010E

    Hey guys,
    As you can see i'm new to the forums so hopefully I get this right.
    I've been having BSOD for months now, and unfortunately I've been unable to figure out the problem.
    the latest error i've gotten was 0x0000010E but i've gotten others.
    It can happen when gaming on steam, or video editing.
    BSOD occurred not too long before posting this thread and I was literally doing nothing on my PC, just sitting on steam not playing any games.
    This past day i've gotten 5+ blue screens and I just can't take it anymore.
    hopefully the information within the attached file will help solve this issue.
    I actually ran SF Diagnostic through safe mode, hope that's ok.
    If not I can try to run it while in regular mode.
    Thanks in advance.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,056
    Windows 10

    Welcome to Seven Forums !

    You said you have had experienced many bugchecks lately yet none are found,
    all bugchecks are from January and earlier.
    Attachment 287436

    None the less, I've looked at all the 2013 dumps and they all incriminate Xeno7x64.sys.
    Which is very very old;
    lmvm Xeno7x64
    start             end                 module name
    fffff880`02cf2000 fffff880`02d15000   Xeno7x64 T (no symbols)           
        Loaded symbol image file: Xeno7x64.sys
        Image path: \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\Xeno7x64.sys
        Image name: Xeno7x64.sys
        Timestamp:        Wed Jun 03 02:15:48 2009
    xeno7x64    Killer Xeno Gaming Adapter Service    c:\windows\system32\drivers\xeno7x64.sys

    Please remove the driver by uninstalling Bigfoot Networks using RevoUninstaller
    Start Menu\Programs\Bigfoot Networks\Xeno Suite
    Post back with the results!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    YoYo155 said:
    Welcome to Seven Forums !

    You said you have had experienced many bugchecks lately yet none are found,
    all bugchecks are from January and earlier.
    Attachment 287436

    None the less, I've looked at all the 2013 dumps and they all incriminate Xeno7x64.sys.
    Which is very very old;
    lmvm Xeno7x64
    start             end                 module name
    fffff880`02cf2000 fffff880`02d15000   Xeno7x64 T (no symbols)           
        Loaded symbol image file: Xeno7x64.sys
        Image path: \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\Xeno7x64.sys
        Image name: Xeno7x64.sys
        Timestamp:        Wed Jun 03 02:15:48 2009
    xeno7x64    Killer Xeno Gaming Adapter Service    c:\windows\system32\drivers\xeno7x64.sys

    Please remove the driver by uninstalling Bigfoot Networks using RevoUninstaller
    Start Menu\Programs\Bigfoot Networks\Xeno Suite
    Post back with the results!
    Hey, thanks for helping.
    I also noticed the dumps are from earlier this year which I don't understand.
    Ok i've used RevoUninstaller, I will restart my PC and see how things go in normal mode.

    UPDATE: Blue Screened after logging in for a few seconds.
    Last edited by Masamaki; 27 Sep 2013 at 00:13. Reason: troubleshooting
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,056
    Windows 10

    Thank you for the update :) .
    The earliest entry of a bugcheck in the Event Viewer is from 6/4/2013
    Please check if your system is still configured to generate dump files;
    :: Dump Files - Configure Windows to Create on BSOD ::
    Configure a minidump 1-4 > 6.

    Keep us posted.

    Are there any new dumps?
    Look for them manually;
    Copy the new files to your desktop, zip and upload them them.

    If no new dumps are created, while following the tutorial above untick the checkbox next to
    Automatically restart and the next time it bugchecks take a picture of the screen
    and upload it here.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 17
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    YoYo155 said:
    Thank you for the update :) .
    The earliest entry of a bugcheck in the Event Viewer is from 6/4/2013
    Please check if your system is still configured to generate dump files;
    :: Dump Files - Configure Windows to Create on BSOD ::
    Configure a minidump 1-4 > 6.

    Keep us posted.

    Are there any new dumps?
    Look for them manually;
    Copy the new files to your desktop, zip and upload them them.

    If no new dumps are created, while following the tutorial above untick the checkbox next to
    Automatically restart and the next time it bugchecks take a picture of the screen
    and upload it here.
    So I noticed, after searching the xeno7x64.sys in my windows folder there are two instances of it even though I used Revouninstaller to uninstall it!
    Is there a way to manually remove them?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3,056
    Windows 10

    Yes you can follow this tutorial;
    :: Drivers - Clean Left over Files after Uninstalling ::
    Then search for them again after the restart to confirm.

    Did you look for new dumps manually?
    Did you configure it not to auto restart in preparation for the next bugcheck?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 17
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    YoYo155 said:
    Yes you can follow this tutorial;
    :: Drivers - Clean Left over Files after Uninstalling ::
    Then search for them again after the restart to confirm.

    Did you look for new dumps manually?
    Did you configure it not to auto restart in preparation for the next bugcheck?
    Yes and Yes.
    Found no new dumps since january of this year.
    I've set it to minidump and to not restart, but it hasn't bluescreened since my last restart.

    I can't fingure out how to navigate to Xeno7x64.sys using driver sweeper.
    Last edited by Masamaki; 27 Sep 2013 at 01:16. Reason: troubleshooting
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 17
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    My PC doesn't seem to save the mini dumps for some reason.
    I found these files on my HDD in a folder called Live Kernal Reports.
    They all have the DMP extension and there's a few from the 24th of this month.
    I hope this helps, as soon as my PC blue screens again I will photograph the screen.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 3,056
    Windows 10

    That's odd, please upload a screenshot of the Startup and Recovery window described in the
    tutorial on how to configure a dump file.

    Now for the dumps, the dumps are all 0x117;

    Arg1: fffffa800822e4e0, Optional pointer to internal TDR recovery context (TDR_RECOVERY_CONTEXT).
    Arg2: fffff88006c81e5c, The pointer into responsible device driver module (e.g owner tag).
    Arg3: 0000000000000000, The secondary driver specific bucketing key.
    Arg4: 0000000000000000, Optional internal context dependent data.
    The display driver failed to respond in timely fashion.
    (This code can never be used for real bugcheck).
    TVeblen said:
    What you are experiencing is a TDR event (Timeout Detection & Recovery). There are many causes of these events, mostly hardware related. Please read my checklist below and see if you can diagnose your particular cause.

    "Display driver xxxxx stopped responding and was recovered"

    Timeout Detection & Recovery (TDR) = "Display Driver Stopped Responding and was Recovered" is a useful feature that started in Vista and is also in W7 that allows the OS to try and recover from a video timeout so that the system does not crash to a bluescreen. Symptoms included a screen flash with the TDR message appearing one or more times or the screen blinking out to black. If the system cannot recover it will crash (Stop Error 116 typical). The issue is that the video card is not responding as expected. The solution is in the: why?

    There is no one-size-fits-all solution to TDR errors. But the problem is usually found in the local environment (your computer). Finding the cause is a matter of checking every possible cause and uncovering the culprit through a simple process of elimination. By methodically running down a checklist of diagnostic procedures you should be able to find the cause and can correct it.

    There are numerous reports of hardware solutions to TDR's. The most common are:

    • Poor Cooling
    • Problems with the power supply
    • Overclocking Issues
    • Bad System memory or incorrect memory timings
    • Defective PC Components
    Please read, to understand the troubleshooting procedure.

    H2SO4 said:
    These are all stop 0x116 VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE conditions.

    It's not a true crash, in the sense that the bluescreen was initiated only because the combination of video driver and video hardware was being unresponsive, and not because of any synchronous processing exception.

    Since Vista, the "Timeout Detection and Recovery" (TDR) components of the OS video subsystem have been capable of doing some truly impressive things to try to recover from issues which would have caused earlier OSs like XP to crash. As a last resort, the TDR subsystem sends the video driver a "please restart yourself now!" command and waits a few seconds. If there's no response, the OS concludes that the video driver/hardware combo has truly collapsed in a heap, and it fires off that stop 0x116 BSOD.

    If playing with video driver versions hasn't helped, make sure the box is not overheating. Try removing a side panel and aiming a big mains fan straight at the motherboard and GPU. Run it like that for a few hours or days - long enough to ascertain whether cooler temperatures make a difference. If so, it might be as simple as dust buildup and subsequently inadequate cooling.

    Uninstall Catalyst Control Center using | AMD Catalyst Un-install Utility
    Then follow through with a pass of Driver Sweeper.
    Install the display driver only! | Do not install the Catalyst Control Center software.

    • Download Speccy and post a Screenshot of the summary window, one at idle and another while putting load on the PC using Prime95 for the CPU side and Furmark for the GPU.

    Post back with the results!
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 17
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Attachment 287495Here's the screenshot of my startup and recovery settings.
    I will uninstall catalyst right now.
    EDIT:After uninstalling AMD drivers using the link you provided my PC prompted for a restart.
    It bluescreened once I logged in and I took a picture of the screen.
    Last edited by Masamaki; 27 Sep 2013 at 11:27.
      My Computer

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