BSOD Windows 7 update mp3 player driver conflict, graphics driver
Hi, and thanks in advance...
Much of this is a repeat to other threads, until the graphic driver problem at the end...
(I also have an Ubuntu partition.)
I'd left my mp3 player plugged in overnight + an Asus Xonar DAC in a usb hub, when Windows wanted to do an update and conflict over drivers ensued. Strange, because I've selected for notification before updating. Also, have not been successful installing any new updates since the end of May. Was seemingly a common problem, I checked into it, too busy/lazy to pursue and succeed. This part is confusing...?
Woke up to blasting fans and unplugged everything peripheral. First, tried setting back to restore points prior to that night - twice. Could restart in Safe Mode and with networking. Then, could restart normally - but, shutdowns after 20 minutes or so.
Got crash logs, saw driver conflicts (not found) - saved.
Came here, read threads, did restart at Last Known Good Configuration. Restart - Nvidia Geforce driver not found. Went to Asus site, downloaded and installed driver (not lastest version, but last approved version and not much later than one that was installed).
It then went into a system cycled start/restart/etc. attempting to find driver, fix itself - forced to do shutdown to stop it.
Restarted this morning in Safe Mode, followed your instructions for posting. It's been running in safe mode for about 20 minutes now.