BSOD playing Starcraft II, error 0x00000116 into BlackScreen on boot.
detailed description: As of yesterday I am unable to use the "ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470" on my "HP G62-b10SG Notebook" ㅡ a normal boot with the ATI Display driver installed results in:
- most of the time: a persistent Black Screen on startup, after windows logo forming, prior to login prompt.
- some of the time: visual anomalies on screen, followed by frozen screen, (occasionally) followed by screen unfreezing and tray notification "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered", followed by more screen freezing and recovering of display driver into blue screening.
I have recorded running into the BSOD for your viewing pleasure.
Anything else I can think of, off the top of my head:
- Display driver installed during starcraft BSOD was version 8.741.1.4000 B (found here)
- Prior to starcraft BSOD I bluescreened during a youtube video using the latest driver version 8.771.1.0 (found here)
- BlackScreen on startup has turned into a blue screen at least once within a minute, usually I turn the notebook off forcefully during a blackscreen - by holding down the power button.
- Booting into safemode has worked reliably everytime
- Booting normaly without display drivers installed has worked reliably everytime
- When removing display drivers I run amd cleanup util, boot into safe mode and run DriverSweeper 2.1.0 to remove leftovers, followed by a normal restart at which point I install.
- Presently, with no display drivers installed the device manager displays "This device cannot start. (Code 10)" for the Mobility Radeon HD 5470.
Q: Did I make any major change to the system recently?
A: Yes I registered "SetTimerResolutionService.exe" as a service and gamed excessively for hours without any issues. According to the readme, the program calls NtSetTimerResolution and sets current timer interval: to 0.500 ms - which I confirmed.I have since unregistered the service and removed the exe.My current timer interval is back to 156000 ms when not running any programs which like to set it to 1.000ms (such as chrome).
Please help me since being able to play a lot of starcraft is very important to me ^^
I have attached the zip, as per BSOD - Posting Instructions. If you feel comfortable talking on skype and have the time to spend, helping a complete stranger, feel free to send me a pm.I also am not opposed to using teamviewer if necessary.
Last edited by valar; 01 Oct 2013 at 21:02.