BSOD Kernal Issues, error 0x0000000a
Hello, all. I just bought a used computer and installed a fresh operating system on it, Windows 7 Ultimate. I had a lot of fun installing all of my programs on it, making sure everything was up to date, and customizing it a little bit, but then I started getting blue screen errors. After it happened a few times, I started trying to analyze them myself, but am in over my head. All I know is that every time there's a crash, the origin comes from the NT Kernal & System, which I've read either points in the direction of bad or outdated drivers or faulty hardware. I've done a complete harddrive scan, as well as memory test to make sure it isn't faulty hardware, leading me to believe (and hope!) that the hardware is fine. Windows Updates says that my drivers are up to date and on my GPU I've turned back my drivers from the most recent beta drivers to the most recent WHQL-certified drivers. Not being able to trace it any further than the Kernal, I'm unsure of what driver to update/change or what program to uninstall. Attached is the SevenForums Diagnostic Tool compressed report. Can someone who understands this a bit better than I do please please point me in the right direction or tell me what you think is going on?