Different BSOD codes, hardware related

  1. Posts : 45
    windows 7

    Different BSOD codes, hardware related

    I am having frequent BSOD's always with different error codes. I am basically assuming my motherboard is faulty.

    More details here: Blue Screen. BCCode: 1e - Microsoft Community

    Basically I have ran memtest 5.01 for 18 hours (8 passes), ran seagate tools, dskchk, I swaped out video cards (the original card which I thought caused problems works perfectly in a friends system).

    However, someone mentioned to physically test the ram and plug it out 1 by 1. I was wondering tho if there is a quicker method. Should I use 2 pairs at a time? Or just 1? Or keep 3 at a time and keep swapping 1 at a time.

    Or go ahead and trust memtest that none of my 4 modules are bad and RMA my motherboard.
    Last edited by Messerschmitt; 07 Oct 2013 at 13:59.
      My Computer

  2.    #2
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