BSOD when resizing/closing World of Warcraft, also when closing Chrome

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    BSOD when resizing/closing World of Warcraft, also when closing Chrome

    Hello everyone, I'm having the issue noted above. BSODs attribute the crash to either one of two files: cdd.dll (most commonly) and win32k.sys (only once). Screen turns jagged, goes black and then BSOD but only occasionally. I've had this crashes happen to me only 4 times in a whole week already. World of Warcraft crashes were all succesive, but after updating Catalyst drivers it never happened again. PC was crash-free for 3 or 4 days (thought it may have solved the issue and I could stop worrying about faulty hardware components) but yesterday night closing Chrome it happened again. I turned off Aero desktop after that, just in case.

    The problem is I can't find any Memory dump or minidump for those BSODs even though settings are on for that (maybe MEMORY.DMP is too large? I have 15 free Gb out of 320 on my boot drive. I changed it to minidumps just in case. Oh, also, it was already set to overwrite so no idea what's going on). Could not find them manually nor could SF Diagnostics tools which I just ran.

    My rig is new, only about 3 months old and no hardware changes since. The only components coming from my older PC are the boot HDD and graphics card. The only thing that's happened is 3 or 4 power outages in December but BSODs started only last week. If any hardware components are malfunctioning they are luckily under warranty but I need to determine if that's the case.

    Only other strange thing is that, when gathering my rig's data for this post, Everest shows my Motherboard as "Unknown". I'll double check I installed all drivers

    Thanks in advance, btw great tool that SF Diagnostics. I'm no computer wizard but it's quite useful even for an amateur like me
      My Computer

  2. Arc
    Posts : 35,373
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 64-bit

    Hi Haxiel.

    The zip you uploaded does not contain any crash dump.

    Follow it: Dump Files - Configure Windows to Create on BSOD
    Go to Option Two, Point 2. Download the .reg file and merge it in registry by double clicking it.

    Now wait for another BSOD. When it occurred, search the .dmp files manually in the default path: C:\Windows\Minidump or %SystemRoot%\Minidump. See if the crash dump is recorded or not (hopefully it will be recorded).Post it following the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Posting Instructions.

    Dont run any disc cleanup tool before you upload another zip.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Good, that is exactly what I needed. I'll keep you posted. Thanks a lot :)
      My Computer


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