BSOD usually while gaming, once while browsing. 0x00000124
So I just started to get this BSOD the last week or so. Some info that might be relevant: I recently re-installed Windows 7 and re-formatted my SSD (which the OS is on), but that was a month or so ago.
I've gotten maybe 2-3 BSODs while playing games (DayZ and PayDay 2), and about 3 hours ago I got a BSOD with the error code STOP: 0x00000124 (0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFA800CAF1028, 0x00000000BE000000, 0x000000000100110A)
The BSOD I got while browsing earlier, I forget exactly what I was doing. I may have been watching youtube or a stream on Twitch TV. I usually have one open while I browse other things on another monitor.
Last edited by smilingbounder; 12 Apr 2014 at 21:50.