Didn't add new hardware yet BSOD 0x000000000F4
So here's a weird one. Suddenly I'm getting BSODs starting with 0x000000000F4 and the startup disk isn't found, e.g. BOOTMGR is missing, forcing me to do repeated repairs of the startup disk. I yanked out every peripheral other than the hard drives that are in there, which are quite new and worked flawlessly for the past several months and the problem persists. I was able to retrieve this upon startup:
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: f4
BCP1: 0000000000000003
BCP4: FFFFF80003FD4270
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 256_1
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: f4
BCP1: 0000000000000003
BCP4: FFFFF80003FD4270
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 256_1
I've attached the dmp file and am not sure what to do with it. In the past, the experience here has been of invaluable help and wondering where to go from here. Using an AS Rock extreme 4 gen 3, Corsair SSD startup disk (4 months old), have another SSD and two 3GB seagate HDs installed, all passing Crystal Disk tests, etc. Running Windows 7, fully updated, with 32GB of RAM. Have a GX570 video card, also about a year old.