BSOD after closing game : Driver_Verifier_Detected_Violation

  1. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    BSOD after closing game : Driver_Verifier_Detected_Violation

    Hello everyone, this is my first discussione here!
    So I got a new computer 2 weeks ago (i changed everything except the HDD) and it went very smooth with the SSD

    So on 7/6/2014 and on 11/6/2014 I got two BSOD regarding the "Driver_Verifier_Detected_Violation".
    I tried to upgrade EVERY driver I could do, and i searched a lot on the web.
    The first time, the file that caused the BSOD was "afd.sys", while the second time it was the file "Ntfs.sys", both together with "ntoskrnl.exe" address or something like that.

    Here i'll post the screens of both BSOD (along with the dump files for each crash):







    Thanks to those who will answer

    REPORT attached!
    Last edited by Lorenzo V; 14 Jun 2014 at 02:06.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,741
    W7 Pro x64 SP1 | W10 Pro IP x64 | W8.1 Pro x64 VM | Linux Mint VM

    We need more information to analyze your logs. Follow Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Posting Instructions and run the tool until it has finished, then upload the new logs.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Boozad said:
    We need more information to analyze your logs. Follow Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Posting Instructions and run the tool until it has finished, then upload the new logs.
    Alright seems i've also created the thread in the wrong section!

    Anyway, I've updated my post with the new zip!
    Thanks in advance!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6,741
    W7 Pro x64 SP1 | W10 Pro IP x64 | W8.1 Pro x64 VM | Linux Mint VM

    Lorenzo it appears your installation is counterfeit as you have an ASUS OEM PID on a retail ASRock motherboard.

      Nome host:                   LORENZO-PC
      Nome SO:                              Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 
      Versione SO:                          6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 build 7601
      Produttore SO:                       Microsoft Corporation
      Configurazione SO:                  Workstation autonoma
      Tipo build SO:                         Multiprocessor Free
      Proprietario registrato:             Lorenzo
      Organizzazione registrata:            
      Numero di serie:                      00426-OEM-8992662-00173 ----> ASUS OEM PID
      Data di installazione originale:    31/05/2014, 15:00:08
      Tempo di avvio sistema:               11/06/2014, 20:22:10
      Produttore sistema:                   To Be Filled By O.E.M.
      Modello sistema:                      To Be Filled By O.E.M.
      Tipo sistema:                         x64-based PC
      Processore:                           1 processore(i) installati.
                                            [01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3 GenuineIntel ~2890 Mhz
      Versione BIOS:                        American Megatrends Inc. P2.60
    Counterfeit installations such as yours can contain heavily modified code that causes the installation to behave it unexpected ways. Analysing BSODs and determining their causes on these sorts of installations is very unreliable. For this reason, many analysts won't attempt it.

    My recommendation is to install a genuine Windows 7. This will minimise the problems you are experiencing, and make subsequent diagnosis of BSODs far more reliable. Once you are running a genuine Windows 7 installation, and are still experiencing BSOD's, we will be happy to help you solve them. :)
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Boozad said:
    Counterfeit installations such as yours can contain heavily modified code that causes the installation to behave it unexpected ways. Analysing BSODs and determining their causes on these sorts of installations is very unreliable. For this reason, many analysts won't attempt it.

    My recommendation is to install a genuine Windows 7. This will minimise the problems you are experiencing, and make subsequent diagnosis of BSODs far more reliable. Once you are running a genuine Windows 7 installation, and are still experiencing BSOD's, we will be happy to help you solve them. :)

    Alright, I think i'll have to go back to my "old" Windows professional x64", it is genuine at least... I don't want to go Off Topic but do you know if it's possible to backup data in a SSD in order to not loose it?? I mean, can I use an external HDD or do I need something else?? Thanks again.. :)
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 6,741
    W7 Pro x64 SP1 | W10 Pro IP x64 | W8.1 Pro x64 VM | Linux Mint VM

    What data? You can back up files onto an external HDD prior to reinstalling your OS yes, any programs will have to be reinstalled when Windows has been reinstalled.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Boozad said:
    What data? You can back up files onto an external HDD prior to reinstalling your OS yes, any programs will have to be reinstalled when Windows has been reinstalled.
    I mean drivers installed, they'll need to be redownloaded right?
    Sorry I don't really understand the process of saving Files/programs etc
      My Computer


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