bsod with win 7 ultimate; also, new win 8 gives bsod w same data drve
Dear all,
I was getting bsod on win 7 ultimate and dell xps 8300; had dell 8700 with win 8 that was rock stable; imaged win7 to new xps 8700 and moved 2 additional data harddrives over; again, win 7 gives bsod [suggesting a software/driver issue]. reinstalled win 8 on 8700 that had been stable for 2 months but now get bsod on win 8 with the 2 data drives. [suggesting the data drives are the problems].
Figured the data drives were the problem; but, no errors on 7 hours drive checks from wd noted.
Really confused why I am getting bsod on two separate hardwares with two separate os.
here are the minidumps for win 7 on 8300 and 8700;
thank you for any thoughts.