BSOD when trying to Install Windows
To start, I recognize this is an unorthodox post based on the posting guidelines for this forum, but as I explain I hope you'll understand why.
I finished building my new PC this year toward the end of March and it worked perfectly. That is until late April when it locked up while I was playing a game and then constantly produced Blue-screen errors. After doing some basic trouble shooting including testing the memory I concluded that it was probably an OS problem and decided to wipe the boot disk and start over; a decision that has proven to be ill advised.
The issue now is that no matter what I do, the system produces a Blue-screen error whenever I try to install Windows (or Ubuntu, or anything else for that matter). The only thing I have to go on is the information presented on the Blue-screen and I've see a wide range of the including a Blue-screen with nothing on it.
I don't have any dumps that I can share because I'm not sure of how to retrieve one without an OS. The best I can offer is some screen shots of recent Blue-screens and a couple from some Black-screen Linux Kernel panics (in case those are helpful).
Based on the STOP codes I've seen I'm beginning to strongly suspect the memory. This despite the fact that it has tested clean through a variety of methods.
My system has now been down longer than I had it running and I'm seriously bummed out. So any advice or confirmation will be gratefully accepted.