BSOD at different times, cant pinpoint the cause (Kernal Power 41)
Hi i have been getting a weird BSOD and there is no distinct line during the blue screen that i can give you as it seems to be a little different to many BSOD's
Here is some of the information i can give you
At the time of the particular Blue screen which was 10:18 PM i got the following errors in Event Viewer under System Tab, there where no errors at the time under Application tab
Critical 6/23/2014 10:18:15 PM Kernel-Power 41 (63)
The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.
Error 6/23/2014 10:18:19 PM BugCheck 1001 None
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000007e (0xffffffffc0000005, 0xfffff8800f2dcdbb, 0xfffff880054aa228, 0xfffff880054a9a80). A dump was saved in:
Error 6/23/2014 10:18:19 PM EventLog 6008 None
The previous system shutdown at 10:17:16 PM on 6/23/2014 was unexpected.
I also have a minidump file of it in my Minidump folder but i cannot attach it here because i apparently dont have permission to do so even though i went through the properties to allow full access
EDIT: ive uploaded the minidump now
Last edited by scocuzza; 24 Jun 2014 at 22:53.