Random BSOD while playing games/browsing the internet.
I have some problems with my computer.
About a month and a half ago I replaced my 32bit version of windows 7 with a 64bit one so this might be problematic since the disk I used had some issues.
So my problem is that yesterday while I was watching a video on youtube my computer monitor suddenly shut down (the screen is black with a tiny message saying no signal found) and whatever I was hearing on youtube started playing on a loop.
After this incident it started happening more often,it happened to me a couple of times while playing different games,it happened to me while I was watching videos on youtube and it even happened to me a couple of times when I power up my computer (It passes the welcome screen on windows and then just crashes)
I have had this problem about a month ago but it stopped happening eventually so I thought it had sorted itself out but apparently it didn't and about 2 days ago it started happening to me again.
I have attached the dump file as mentioned in the instructions thread and hope one of you guys can help me resolve this problem.
EDIT: Apparently this isn't a BSOD and just a regular crash,sorry about confusing you guys.