BSOD buildup until constant error code Stop 0x00000101
Hi there. This is my first time posting on this forum so I hope some one can help me. I have posted on Tom's hardware about the problem but haven't received many replies.
About a month ago I came home and my computer had a bsod and that one was Stop 0x00000124. I really didn't think much of it like I should have and let it go since I couldn't reproduce it. Well just this last few days my computer bsod on startup nonstop with Stop 0x00000101 and it also says something about a secondary processor not receiving a timed interval. I can start it in safemode without any problems what soever. My build is home built and as follows.
Mobo: Gigabyte F2A55M-DS2
CPU: AMD A10-5600k AMU
GPU: Nvidia GTX 470
RAM: 2 Corsair 2gb sticks
PSU: Corsair CX750M
Everything is relatively new. Maybe 2 months old tops except the graphics card which is about 3 or 4 years old. Things I have already done to troubleshoot this are.
1. Open the case, take out all the components, clean them, reseat. Still bsods.
2. Ran Memtest86 and no bsods or failures. I also have two other ram sticks which I have used and it still bsods so I am almost 100% sure it isn't the RAM.
3. Ran cpu test called prime95 as suggested by someone on Tom's hardware and no bsods (in safe mode).
4. I have reinstalled almost every driver except the chipset because it will not allow me to install those in safe mode but I can't even get my computer to boot at all anymore aside from safemode without bsodding.
5. I checked speed fan and there were no abnormalities in the heat of any components.
I am thinking it may be a physical problem with my cpu. If anyone has any ideas please let me know before I start replacing things.