4th install. Progressive increase of BSOD over time
Well, I wish I could remember everything I had just written in this box, but it's gone now.
I had a stand alone video editor built. (See specs ) The first operation BSOD'd in about 4 hours, but didn't do it for quite some time after that. Then it started dropping the video, then it started crashing IE on opening, then it started crashing the editing programs. I searched this and other forums and eventually replaced the EVGA GT 650. That corrected the video drop and even the crashes for a while. Then the crashes began in earnest, escalating until the BSOD's joined in the fray. Since windows does not have the program needed to read their own dump files, and all other attempts at correcting failed, I did a "repair install" from the disk. That worked for a while, but the issue progressed in much the same manner as before. I finally did a reformat, which performed nearly identical to the initial operation, with a 4 hour onset of a BSOD, and then nothing. That is until the programs started crashing and the BSOD's appeared again. I then had the guru wipe the drive completely and reformat. The only difference in performance has been that it didn't blue screen after 4 hours. It did however crash IE on start-up, as well as the editing program.
At no time has this machine ever run fast. I have an XP Home machine next to it that would run circles around it in terms of video editing, both machines running Corel Video Studio ProX4. I have since upgraded to ProX6, which is a 64 bit program, but it runs even slower than the Prox4 did. It doesn't crash as often but a 1.5 second latency is outright annoying.
I have searched the threads here for hours trying to find a similar problem. I found recommendations for removing Pinnacle, "alcohol", ASUS Gamer, using scannow and some others, all of which I have tried to no avail. As to scannow, yes it was in the root, but it can't get past 80% of the initial scan. In safe mode, however, it goes 100% and finds no issues.
Many thanks to the Cap'n for the SF Diag program. I still don't know what I'm doing, but at least I have something that gathers info that a real person can look at!
Speaking of not knowing anything, I found it odd to find this string:
Built by: 7601.18409.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.140303-2144
That "amd64" in there may not be what I think, but this machine runs an Intel i5.
With best regards and hopeful anticipation,