I did two different tests. Here is a copy of log from the seatools. Hopefully it was only bad cable contacts. So you think I should be ok ?:) Anyway thank you very much for your time that you did look on my dmp files and tried to find the cause!! I really appreciate it !!
*plus I have done, before the complete crash, test with memtest software, where I have passed 16 times (I forgot to mention it)
Code:--------------- SeaTools for Windows v1.2.0.10 --------------- 10. 7. 2014 19:16:51 Model: ST9750420AS Serial Number: 6WS1AFCC Firmware Revision: 0002DEM1 Long Generic - Started 10. 7. 2014 19:16:51 Long Generic - Pass 10. 7. 2014 21:40:42 Identify - Started 10. 7. 2014 21:57:43 Short DST - Started 10. 7. 2014 21:59:27 Short DST - Pass 10. 7. 2014 22:01:31