Random BSOD error driver ntoskrnl.exe (address ntoskrnl.exe+74ec0)
Hey guys so I've been getting some random BSOD errors every few days or so. I usually leave my computer on when I am at work or sleep and either when I come home or wake up my computer is off. So I turn it on and it says that the computer didn't shut down properly when I start up. I downloaded the BlueScreenView and noticed I've had some BSOD three times within 10 days. One was a PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA error which I believe was a RAM problem (i bought new RAM and installed it plus OCed it to 2133, but I believe it was making my system unstable so I reset the speed to default and haven't gotten that error again), but after that I've gotten two IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL errors related to ntoskrnl.exe. I did some research online and from what I read it could be a number of problems. I'm just not sure where to start and could really use some guidance and advice. I uploaded my dmp files for anyone who knows how to look at these.
Thank in advance.