BSOD upon repair mode, UBS boot disk created but no repair option

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    BSOD upon repair mode, UBS boot disk created but no repair option

    Hi all - my laptop refuses to boot and when I start in repair mode I get the BSOD with just the cursor visible and nothing happens.

    If I reboot in safe mode then it hangs at windows\system\drivers\bootdefragdriver.sys

    I have researched and believe this driver is linked to Glarys Utilities, but am obviously unable to uninstall the program or driver because I can't boot into Windows.

    I therefore downloaded an ISO file and created a USB boot disk (as per one of your tutorials) with the intention of rebooting into repair mode, but when I boot from the USB and press F8, there is no repair mode option. All it does it try to reinstall windows from scratch, which I am reluctant to do.

    Does anybody have any suggestions of how I can either delete the bad driver (if that is indeed the problem) or how I can still get into repair mode from the USB drive?

    Many thanks
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 646

    I think if you don't want to reinstall then you could try booting the laptop with a Linux live cd/usb and renaming/deleting bootdefragdriver.sys and seeing if that helps

    Peppermint Live CD/DVD/USB - Create for Emergency Backup
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64
    Thread Starter

    Hi - I've now tried that and upon booting from the USB, it starts to load Peppermint setup but then the screen goes completely black and nothing else happens.

    Furthermore, if I then try and boot from the hard drive again, I just get a flashing white cursor in the top left of a black screen and it hangs indefinitely. I can't even use the F8 menu anymore to try safe mode etc.

    Have you got any other ideas? I really hope I haven't lost all my data permanently.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 19,383
    Windows 10 Pro x64 ; Xubuntu x64

    Please try and create a new bootable version of the PepperMint USB or sounds like you got a bad installer.

    Once booted, follow the rest of the tutorial to backup any data.
      My Computer


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