Work Laptop - BSOD upon startup - 0x00000050 Page Fault
Attached is the full DM Collector Zip
A month or so back, our company decided that they needed to load encryption software on our super old laptops. Ever since, the computer would stall for 2-5 minutes about ever 3 hours. Looking at the performance tab of Task Manager, the CPU was never maxed, and sometimes the memory would be, but usually around 90% at best. Last week, it would freeze up completely requiring a hard power down. Upon restarting, the computer would run thru Disk Check and repair countless errors. However once the computer would fully boot and I log in, it would get the Page Fault in Non Paged Area 0x00000050 BSOD.
I am able to boot into safemode, but networking doesn't work even if booting with that option (Neither wireless or hard wired) so all logs/transfers need to be done via flash drive if any additional logs are needed
Any help is appreciated.