BSOD at random time with what appears to be random error codes
Hey Guys,
My PC has been running great for about 3years then all of a suddenly i've started getting BSOD. Only thing i can think of was on the day they started, i installed Borderlands Pre sequel to play with my girlfriend. When it happened i realised my watercooling pump had packed up and thought that was the issue (ive replaced the system and its still doing it) So i think my pump may have packed up at any time and i failed to notice.
Its doing it with nothing open but a brower, in games, all over the place but at random times. I ran a mem Test and everything came back fine on my memory. I tried a Prime test and it blue screened. I dont understand mem dumps to save my life though which is where im hoping you guys can come in and save me <3
If anyone can point me in the right direct that would be great, im hoping its a driver problem somewhere but i just dont know where as it started all of a sudden.
I hope i've uploaded everything required (ive included all dumps since this problem started)
Thanks for any help in advance