BSOD code 116, lots of random freezes the require reboot, bios issue?
My computer has been randomly freezing over the last month. I would come in the morning and the screens wouldn't wake up from shut down mode (those are my power settings) but it got really bad last week when it happened about 5 times in an hour while I was using skype and while I was trying to move files around. Usually what happens is the whole computer just locks up. Today, I actually got a BSOD with the 116 error code. When I rebooted, it something about a BIOS error and had to rebuild it or something. I didn't write it down but once it was done, I rebooted and got back into windows.
I'm at wits end at this point. The fact it just seems to be escalating in frequency worries me. I haven't added any new hardware in years.
Thanks for much for the help!